Ati-Rudrabishek - Pandits with Shankaracharya Vasudevanand Saraswati.

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On Wed, Dec 11, 2013 at 2:22 PM, Richard Williams <>wrote:

> Our Spiritual Tradition in Sanskrit Narayanam Padmabhavam Vasistham
> Shaktim cha Tatputra
> Parasharam cha Vyasam Shukam Gaudapadam Mahantam
> Govindayogindram Athasya Shishyam
> Srisankaracharyam Athasya Padmapadam cha
> Hastamalakam cha Shishyam tam Trotakam
> Varttikaram anyan Asmad
> gurn Santatam anato smi
> shrutismritipuranam Alayam Karunalayam
> Namami Bhagavatapadam Shankaram Lokasankaram
> Shankaram Shankacharyam Keshavam Badarayanam
> Sutrabhashyakritau vande Bhagavantau punah punah
> Yadvarre Nikhilanimpaparishat Siddhim
> Vidhatte 'Nisham Shrimatshrilasitam
> Jagadgurupadam Natvatmatriptim Gatah
> Lokagyanpayodapatnadhuram Shrisankaram Sharmadam
> Bramahanandasaraswatim Guruvarum Dhyayami
> Jyotirmayam
> Transliterated from the Sanskrit by Borje Mullquist
> nârâyanaM padmabhavaM vashiSThaM shaktim ca tatputra
> parasharam ca vyâsaM shukam gauDapadaM mahântaM
> govinda yogîndra mathâsya shiSyam |
> shrî shankarâcâryamathâsya padmapâdan ca
> hastâmalakan ca shiSyam taM troTakam
> vârtikakâram anyânasmad
> gurûn santatamânato 'smi ||
> shruti-smRti-purâNânam âlayam karuNâlayam |
> namâmi bhagavat-pâdam shankaraM lokashankaram ||
> shankaraM shankarâcâryaM keshvaM bâdarâyaNam |
> sûtra-bhâSya-kRtau vande bhagavantau punaH punaH ||
> yad-dvâre nikhilâ nilimpa-pariSad siddhiM
> vidhatte 'nisham shrîmat-shrî-lasitaM
> jagadgurupadaM natvâtmatRptiM gatâH |
> lokâjñâna payoDa-pâTân-dhuraM shrî shankaram sharmadaM
> brahmânanda sarasvatîm guruvaraM dhyâyâmi
> jyotirmayam ||
> On Sat, Oct 12, 2013 at 9:39 PM, Richard Williams <>wrote:
>> Our Mantra Yoga tradition begins with the Lord Narayana, the first
>> meditator, who thought the first thought and set in motion this science of
>> sound vibration. The thought sounds or mantras were cognized in ancient
>> India by the rishis, that is, the seers of the science of sound, the first
>> psychic pioneers of consciousness.
>> In the Mantra Yoga tradition the first yogi was Yajnavalkhya, who
>> cognized the first bija mantra, and passed this teaching to his daughter
>> Shakti.
>> According to the Tantras, bija mantras are shorthand for a complete
>> description of the universe in the mind of Sri Saraswati, the Goddess of
>> Wisdom, Learning and Knowledge. So, sounds, ergo language, was the primal
>> vibration of Vac, that is, the Lord of human speech, who formed the first
>> bija mantras.
>> In a long line of illustrious masters comes this Mantra Yoga tradition
>> from Vasistha and Parashara.
>> So, lets review the TMer sampradaya:
>> The TM teachers puja to SBS clearly states the desciplic succession from
>> Shakti via the Jyotirlinga hence to Badarayana, to Gauda, to Govinda, hence
>> to Shankara, founder of the Jyotirmatha, hence to Trotaka and on down to
>> Brahmanand Saraswati and hence to Shantanand, hence down to Vasudevananda
>> Saraswati, the current Shankaracharya of Jyotirmath.
>> Narayana
>> Padma Bhava
>> Vasishtha
>> Shakti
>> Parashara
>> Badarayana
>> Shudadeva
>> Gaudapapda
>> Govinda
>> Shankara
>> Trotaka
>> Brahmanand
>> Shantanand
>> Vishnudevananda
>> Vasudevananda

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