Dear Ones; In the depths of this thread I feel to share with you that I admire 
you both, Doc and MJ each for being courageous here in substantial ways of 
materially contributing significance on this very very FFL FFL kind of subject 
or our group's collective spirituality. I so look forward to further and 
continued discussions of material substance around this as more unfolds and 
becomes Known around Girish and Maharishi's teaching.  I feel strongly that the 
Truth of the larger Knowledge and our Teaching otherwise can certainly stand up 
to the inquiry. The Teaching as it is the Science of Creative Intelligence 
evidently is Eternal even as American jurisprudence certainly has recognized. 
 Yours sincerely in Jai Guru Dev Brahmananda Saraswati, 
 mjackson74@...> wrote
 Oh really? And do you, oh all-wise Buck in the Dome practice such equanimity 
and neutrality towards the wicked when the powers that be at MUM piss you off 
with their Dome policies? Lets walk our talk shall we? Or as your other master 
supposedly said take the log out of your own eye before you try to attend to 
the speck in mine. 
 That triplet somewhere in the B-Gita, ..and 'equanimity towards the wicked'. 
 mjackson74@...> wrote
 And pray tell, just what "state" am I in and how do you know?
 Yes, as opposed to just adding more anger to anger and only being aggravating 
to a deeper inner and outer flow of the spiritualized subtle bodies there is 
that cultivated state of Being embedded with spiritual depth where comes the 
triplet within something enlightened in 'rejoicing for the good', a being of 
'compassion for the sufferings', and 'neutrality towards the wicked'. That 
neutrality is not of indifference but a state of Unperturbed-idity Unified 
Field Being.
 -Buck in the Dome  

 Doc, very wise personal advice you give below to MJ and people in his state. 
To finding that practical state of an embodied illumination of grace where one 
can then actually add balm in field effect of coherence to incoherence. That 
Christ-like state where one can bring along a spiritual neutrality while also 
having compassion as opposed to just adding anger to anger at that level all 
the time. It is a beautiful practical advice in spiritual experience. Thank 
 Jai George Fox and all the real spiritual gurus devs,
 -Buck in the Dome
 "The whole purpose of life is to gain enlightenment. Nothing else is
significant compared to that completely natural, exalted state of consciousness.
So always strive for that. Set your life around that goal. Don't get caught up
in small things, and then it will be yours." Maharishi Mahesh Yogi  
MJ writes:
 ..Enlightened Marshy can be explained in light of Girish's behavior, or 
perhaps I have it all wrong, maybe it is Girish practicing life "as is our 


 Doc writes:

 Hey, MJ --- Happy New Year! my unasked for and unwelcome advice would be to 
stop speculating about some old dude in India, get enlightened yourself, and 
find out the truth of the expression, first-hand. Simpler, and far more 

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