---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <turquoiseb@...> wrote:

 Good article, and about bloody time. Those of us who gave up vegetarianism 
years ago get subjected to proselytizing about how cool and wonderful 
and...well...more evolved vegetarian eating is almost every day on the Net and 
in the press. But no one speaks up for those of us who tried it, didn't like it 
much, and went back to being what nature intended us to be -- happy omnivores. 

In my case, my breakthrough moment after years of being strict veggie (although 
never anything weirder and more fundamentalist like Vegan or macrobiotic or 
gluten-free) was at an ATR course at Cobb Mountain. I was in line for dinner 
and a piece of chicken called my name and said "Eat me." I did, felt better 
almost immediately, and have never looked back since. 


 For me it was not primarily about feeling better or not physically. Eating 
less meat was and is about contributing as little as possible to the meat 
industry and its inhumane practices and standards and to try, in some small 
way, to lessen the suffering of other living creatures by not causing them to 
be held captive and force fed all sorts of bad stuff in order for me to later 
ingest them. It is my very miniscule attempt to try and cause a little less 
suffering by my fellow, living creatures here on this planet.

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