And then there's the Canadian tennis player at the Australian Open who, in the 
middle of his match, had a vision of Snoopy on the court before passing out 
from the heat.

 "'I was dizzy from the middle of the first set and then I saw Snoopy and I 
thought, "Wow Snoopy, that's weird,"' Dancevic said."




 Re "The pineal gland is a possible physical explanation for the visions.  But 
it's also possible that these visions are actually manifestations of subtle 
beings that exist in another dimension of space and consciousness and are 
picked up by the mind at its heightened peak of receptivity by DMT.":


 Yes, I agree it's possible. That's what makes it such a hot topic.
 If you follow the link I provided you'll also come across this comment from an 
experienced user of DMT, who says:
 Hey Clifford,  James Kent here, I run the website I 
published a psychedelic magazine for many years, and a friend recently pointed 
me to your article on "DMT, Moses and Aliens". Since you asked people to voice 
their opinion I shall...  I have done DMT quite a bit, have interviewed and 
spent time with the late Terence McKenna, am friends with Rick Strassman, and 
have studied this issue very closely for the past fifteen years. And though I 
have not published the results of all my research (yet), I would like to share 
with you some of my conclusions concerning DMT and the dramatic phenomena it 
produces.  In short, I do not believe DMT is a gateway to an alternate 
dimension, nor does it provide contact with elves and alien entities. . . Why 
is the alien/elf archetype so common to the DMT experience? The only answer I 
have is that we humans must have some kind of innate evolutionary wetworking 
that forces us to latch onto any piece of anthropomorphic data that pops up in 
otherwise random sensory data, such as spotting a face peering out from behind 
the bushes, or spotting another human form hiding in the tall grass. The 
evolutionary advantage of such a trait is obvious . . . "

 Read his entire comment and you'll appreciate he's done some serious thinking 
on the issue!
 Clifford Pickford himself reproduced an encyclopedia entry on the activity 
inside a single cell (biology). The detailed description given of Messenger RNA 
carrying genetic info from DNA inside a cell was compared by Clifford with 
descriptions of "aliens" scuttling around a "UFO" from a DMT vision. The 
parallels are striking. Consider that we all are single-cell creatures at root. 
What Clifford is suggesting is that a burst of DMT triggers our reversion back 
to single-cell consciousness. BUT we now have adult brains with stored adult 
memories and years of training in making sense of patterns. The DMT visions are 
our adult brains with their adult capacities trying to make sense of that 
primal consciousness. However . . . (part 2 follows!)

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