Love it, Xeno, thanks for posting. Heat wave here today, up to 45. Then Arctic 
Vortex III tonight. Opportunity to be flexible, ha!

On Sunday, January 26, 2014 9:58 AM, "" 
<> wrote:
In regards to this, a few weeks ago I was listening to videos on YouTube from 
various spiritual teachers, and someone had posted a short video of Adyashanti 
which was titled 'When Self Obsession Falls Away', although from the talk 
posted itself I would have called the segment 'The Day of Awakening'. It is a 
very succinct description of how unspectacular it is. I thought it was such a 
clear description, I have transcribed it here, with a few edits to remove the 
uhs etc., of speech.

[The Day of Awakening]
>It's not a mysterious thing, it's not a spiritually knowable thing. It's not a 
>high state. It's actually almost the opposite of all that. It's so normalized 
>and simple and unadorned. It's something that self couldn't actually possibly 
>Because at that moment, you didn't end up being something better. There was no 
>prize at the end of the line. There is nothing that you could have said about 
>it - you wouldn't have much to tell anybody about that day.
>It wouldn't be like you have a big insight, like sometimes you do have 
>insights, that can be quite transforming too. But this is of a different 
>character - its something of a totally different character. It's not really an 
>insight necessarily, it's not coming upon a more preferable experience, 
>although you could evenly imagine that your body may experience a certain kind 
>of relaxation, which is nice, but it wouldn't be, an achievement - it'd just 
>be simple. Everything would be the way it was before that day.
>Nothing would have been solved on that day, nothing. There would be no 
>guarantee that your life would end up a certain way - that it would be easy, 
>or without any trial or difficulty. There would be no resolution - to anything 
>- which, strangely enough, would the resolution to darn near everything. It 
>would almost be - this is not true, but - it would almost be as if something 
>walked off the stage without there being any resolution to anything.
>But only then did you realize that the problem was that you had been waiting 
>for resolution, your whole life, for certain things - Why am I this way? Why 
>do I think that? Why am I so screwed up in this way? Why do I hate my 
>neighbor? Why am I so angry at something that happened forever ago?
>Imagine, nothing solved - nothing solved!
>You have no answers to any of those questions. Except you can just feel they 
>would not be a problem any more. Not because they have been solved, but 
>because you're not trying to solve them anymore. There wouldn't be that 
>constant sort of contraction or insistance on life going a particular way. It 
>would be just life would go the way it actually goes.

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