Here's a whole bunch more for NSR:


 See any that ring a bell?
We've actually had quite a bit of discussion about NSR, so one could just do a 
search of the FFL archive and find it quickly.
 > Om Dear Turq, I am concerned about you. It seems evident you are becoming 
 > somewhat obsessed and and even hung-up on this particular thought form 
 > around jargon that you would seek to suppress people's writing use of jargon 
 > around here on a list that is so manifestly technical about spirituality. 

 Don't be an ass. I am not trying to "suppress" the use of jargon. I'm trying 
to get through to people who *no longer realizing they're using it*, and that 
doing so is *excluding* people from what they're trying to say. 

 > Card was looking for an answer and anyone who knows what NSR and biija 
 > mantras are and could possibly answer the question will do so. 

 And anyone who doesn't (I have no idea what NSR means) are excluded. 

 > People who are ignorant of NSR and biija mantras are always free to improve 
 > themselves with Google searches further. 

 A "Google search" for NSR returns -- in order -- "National Skills Registry," 
"National Scouting Report," and "National Swine Report." Which do you think 
Card was referring to?

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