Hi Share, this cracked me up, only because I don't think I've seen this 
description before, of the guys on here:

"...you want comments only from the male loungers?" 


 The picture that formed, was a bunch of louts and touts, with slicked back 
hair, and shiny shirts, slouching all over the furniture, in the lobby of a 
cheezy hotel -- making noise, harassing the guests, and maybe you're 
description is not so far off, after all - lol



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <sharelong60@...> wrote:

 Richard, by *guys* do you mean you want comments only from the male loungers? 
Anyway, I like ayurveda principles a lot. And have gotten good results with 
Chinese herbs. Go figure (-:

 On Monday, January 27, 2014 9:22 AM, Richard Williams <punditster@...> wrote:
 > Terrific song, fabulous musical.
 Thanks for all the information about the song from Guy's and Dolls. Do you 
guys have any comments to make about MMY's Ayerveda?

 On Sun, Jan 26, 2014 at 12:28 PM, <authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@...> wrote:
   Terrific song, fabulous musical. Too bad the movie version wasn't so hot 
(Brando gave it his best shot, but...). At least they kept Stubby Kaye and 
Vivian Blaine from the original cast.

 Every time I hear the word "equipoise" I think of this song from "Guys and 

Part of the lyric is about a horse where the actor sings "He says his great 
grandfather was Equipoise".











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