Apparently there are a few guys that understand that diet means anything
you take in, whether mental or physical. To most gals this is probably a
given: you are what you eat and you are what you think. If a person lives
in a food desert the last thing they will be thinking about is being on a
diet of any kind - you just take what you can get.

We know this artist fellow and his wife who live down the street from us.
They are on a special diet but to them it's just a natural way of living.
They went off dairy several years ago and these days they eat only organic
food they buy at Whole Foods or at Central Market. They are eating organic
vegetables and fruits and only whole grains they buy in bulk such as brown
rice, lentils and beans. It sounds real sensible to me. Go figure.

In Indian mythology Lord Dhanvantari was the Physician to the Gods. He was
originally a Sun God, and prominent in the Vedas. Dhanvantari was
identified as the carrier of 'ambrosia' from the primeval ocean and as the
teacher of medicine to mankind. Dhanvantari is the god of health care - the
17th incarnation of Lord Vishnu.

[image: Inline image 2]

Dhanvantari's appearance is celebrated each year on the 13th day
(trayodasi) of the waxing moon a few days before the Divali. Lord
Dhanvantari's teachings are recorded in the Agni Purana 279-289 as well as
through the teachings of his disciple Susrutha. The Bhagavatam states
"smrta-matrarti-nasanah" which translated means "One who remembers the name
of Dhanvantari can be released from all disease."

On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 9:34 AM, Share Long <> wrote:

> Richard, by *guys* do you mean you want comments only from the male
> loungers? Anyway, I like ayurveda principles a lot. And have gotten good
> results with Chinese herbs. Go figure (-:
>   On Monday, January 27, 2014 9:22 AM, Richard Williams <
>> wrote:
>  authfriend:
> > Terrific song, fabulous musical.
> >
> Thanks for all the information about the song from Guy's and Dolls. Do you
> guys have any comments to make about MMY's Ayerveda?
> On Sun, Jan 26, 2014 at 12:28 PM, <> wrote:
>  *Terrific song, fabulous musical. Too bad the movie version wasn't so
> hot (Brando gave it his best shot, but...). At least they kept Stubby Kaye
> and Vivian Blaine from the original cast.*
> Every time I hear the word "equipoise" I think of this song from "Guys and
> Dolls".
> Part of the lyric is about a horse where the actor sings "He says his
> great grandfather was Equipoise".

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