Ooooooopsie! Xeno had a little trouble understanding what I wrote to Buck.

---In, <anartaxius@...> wrote:


 Yahoo! Groups Guidelines

 Yahoo! Groups give Yahoo! users a place to meet, interact, and share ideas 
with each other. Just like a real community, you may have different opinions 
than other Yahoo! Groups users. The Yahoo! Groups experience is best when 
people remember a few rules. Yahoo! sets out the terms and conditions of your 
use of our services in the Yahoo! Terms of Service, our Guidelines, and in other rules that we 
may place on our site. For your use of Yahoo! Groups, some of the key things to 
remember are: You may not harass, abuse, threaten, or advocate violence against 
other members or individuals or groups. You may not post content that is 
harmful to minors. You may not post content that is obscene, otherwise 
objectionable, or in violation of federal or state law. Stay on topic. Although 
all groups are different, most groups appreciate it when you stay on topic. If 
you constantly stray from the topic you may be moderated or removed from a 
group altogether by its owner or if you post off topic commercial messages you 
may violate our Spam Policy and 
we may take appropriate action, which may include removing you from the group 
and/or terminating your access to Yahoo! Services . You may not add members to 
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Groups for commercial or advertising purposes. In non-adult Groups, you may not 
use Yahoo! Groups for commercial or advertising purposes except in the 
following limited manner: a) to charge a reasonable access fee to other Group 
members; b) to discuss with or promote to your Group members other businesses 
that sell legitimate products or services offline or on a site other than 
Groups; or c) to facilitate a classified listing or exchange of legitimate 
products and services between Group members. In any case where Yahoo! Groups 
may be used commercially as permitted by these Guidelines, Yahoo! is not a 
party to such transactions, makes no representation or endorsement of any 
product or service, and is not responsible in any manner for the services or 
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Groups your activity must be consistent with Spam Policy If you violate our Spam Policy 
we may take appropriate action, which may include removing you from the group 
and/or terminating your access to Yahoo! Services. You may not post content 
which infringes the intellectual property, privacy or other rights of third 
parties. You may only post adult-oriented content in age-restricted areas. You 
must be 18 years old or over to access these areas. Some content may be more 
appropriate in some contexts than others. Yahoo! reserves the right to remove 
content that it determines, in its sole discretion, to be inappropriate and in 
violation of our rules. For example, discussions or depictions of bestiality, 
incest, excretory acts, or child pornography may be inappropriate if placed in 
a sexual or otherwise exploitative context. You may not use Groups solely for 
the purpose of storing and archiving files. You cannot re-post or re-transmit 
content that belongs to another user without that user's permission. A Groups 
owner or moderator (or any other user) cannot re-post or re-transmit Groups 
content to any other site unless the person has the explicit permission of 
every group member whose content is being re-posted or re-transmitted. You may 
not post content, including software downloads, or collect fees in violation of 
the export control laws and regulations of the United States or other 
applicable countries.If you are unsure whether your content is consistent with 
these policies, please err on the side of caution and do not post your content 
in Yahoo! Groups or any other Yahoo! community area.

NOTE: While Yahoo! does allow users to post adult-oriented content to the 
appropriate age-restricted areas, please remember that the Guidelines apply 
whether or not you are in an age-restricted area. 

Yahoo!'s Right To Terminate 

Yahoo! Groups, in its sole discretion, may terminate or remove any content, 
Group or your Yahoo! ID immediately and without notice if (a) Yahoo! believes 
that you have acted inconsistently with the spirit or the letter of the Yahoo! 
Terms of Service or the Yahoo! Groups Guidelines, or (b) Yahoo! believes you 
have violated or tried to violate the rights of others. Please help us keep 
Yahoo! Groups an enjoyable and positive experience. If you see a Group or 
content that violates our rules, please let us know by contacting us

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