On 2/5/2014 8:44 AM, dhamiltony...@yahoo.com wrote:
> You are not really a professional editor are you?
Professional editors don't usually mix up their professional work and 
their personal activities. At least most editors don't use the company 
computer at work to send and receive personal messages to discussion 

And, most informants on message groups don't advertise their business on 
discussion groups. And, I'd say that most professional editors don't 
monitor a discussion group all day while they are trying to get some 
work done on their computer. Go figure.

It's been my experience that when doing computer work you need to allot 
at least two hours on a project in order to make some real progress 
toward completion. With distractions like email coming in all the time 
with a tone sound; the television set on; the cell phone ringing; knocks 
on the door; trips to the bathroom; dogs to walk; trips to the kitchen 
for a snack; or out to the cafe or bar - it's a wonder anyone could keep 
up with a fast-paced online chat room conversation like FFL. LoL!

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