Judy, I don't want to throw cold water on any of your fantasies.  (hey, that 
came out just the way I wanted), so create any scenario you want.  My 
recollection was close enough I think.  But, I  realize I am treading on your 
sacred ground here, so I'm going to try to tip toe away, so you can work this 
out on your own.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <authfriend@...> wrote:

 Nowhere near, Stevie baby. Here's what you claimed:

 "And then we have his daily confessional with his friend at Starbucks."



 "My recollection is that he did, indeed say that he has a friend he meets with 
most everyday, at Starbucks, (I believe), in whom he confides thoughts, 


 No "confessional," nothing about his meeting his friend at Starbuck's, nothing 
about confiding thoughts and feelings. I knew he'd never said anything like 
that, and if this is your only evidence (Barry found it for you, I'm guessing), 
I was right.

 He did say, many times, that his best friend helped him with his 
de-enlightenment project, so what he said in this post was nothing we didn't 
already know.
Nope, not even any forest, let alone any trees. No eggs in the basket, either. 
I was trying to think of what he might have said that you could have 
misinterpreted as you did. But as it turns out, you were far more off even than 

 Tell ya what, since you don't know how to make your links clickable, I'll do 
it for you. That way anyone who wants to can easily check the post:


 Um, I think it's close enough Judy.   But to someone who as a matter of course 
cannot see the forest for the trees, it probably has no semblance.  Kinda, 
sorta seems like you had your eggs in the "e-mails with me basket"  sorry about 

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <authfriend@...> wrote:

 Oh, hilarious. Of course, this doesn't say at all what you claimed, does it, 


 Judy, I don't know what the point of arguing about it is.  If he said it, it 
will be there in the record.  Without being too boastful, my memory is pretty 
good.  My impression is that he had nothing to do with e-mails, and seemed to 
predate his participation here.

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <authfriend@...> wrote:

 You've got something screwy here, Stevie. He may have been talking about 
email, in which case he probably meant with me. But there was no "daily 

 My recollection is that he did, indeed say that he has a friend he meets with 
most everyday, at Starbucks, (I believe), in whom he confides thoughts, 

 I would say this was a couple months before he stopped posting.

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <authfriend@...> wrote:

 emptybill doesn't know what he's talking about with regard to Robin, his reams 
of quotes notwithstanding.

 "Daily confessional with his friend at Starbuck's"?? Robin never said anything 
remotely like that.

 Both Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox theologies have clearly explicated 
the nature of union with God – at least as far as that is possible for humans. 
However, he never appeared interested in learning more - whether about 
Catholic/Orthodox Christianity, Yogic Vedanta or Shankara’s Advaita Vedanta. I 
attribute this to a lack of genuine humility although he was constantly 
espousing a pseudo-humility. 

 Sorta my take on the whole thing.  On the other hand, we do have the "missing" 
years when he was substitute teaching.  Could get some checks in the humility 
column for that.  And then we have his daily confessional with his friend at 
Starbucks.  Do I have that right?


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