I like to think of this place as if we are sitting around a table at Starbucks. First off, most folks at the table wouldn't get so wound up on assertions because they would know the asserter is just kidding them. And we would hope that before someone replied they didn't say, "just a minute" as they looked up something online on their phone or tablet. That would be a really bogged down conversation, hmm. :-D

On 02/12/2014 07:39 AM, anartax...@yahoo.com wrote:

Barry does not seem to aspire to the kind of precision you enjoy. He seems mostly to rely on his writing skills and memory when posting on FFL. And we all know human memory is exceptionally pliable. He posts things he is interested in, occasionally replies to people, and there is a certain category of his posting that is designed to keep the rats running on their treadmill, a Pavlovian thing. So checking on Barry's claims is largely a waste of time as he is proffering opinions, not facts, and is stoking the campfire so he can bask in the heat generated. He has to deal with certain factual material if he is writing about science for clients. If there other places in his life for such concepts as facts and truth, it probably is not here on FFL. This place is for the insane; perhaps there are a few amateur sociologists and researchers hanging in here collecting data, but who might they be?

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