Well as somebody once said, "taste is relative and you're no relative of mine." :-D

I was more into the storyline especially the bit about dealing with the town tyrant. I also like films just set in other countries. Campion also mocked Hunter's cult a bit in the film. In an earlier Campion film, "Sweetie", she mocked another cult. Guess which one?

I was right about "Knights of Badassdom". There are articles on the web about it being "shelved" even after getting a good response at Comic Con.

On 02/13/2014 12:28 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:
I have to agree with s3raphita here. Sorry ultrarishi and bhairitu...please don't take this personally, but my honest reaction to this series was feeling like I needed to take a shower afterwards. The worst thing about it was the overriding sense of obsession and ickiness that has become Jane Campion's "trademark" in her later films. And interestingly enough, it wasn't just the subject matter that made it that way. For example, the "Millenium" series of movies (starting with "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo") dealt with material just as dark, as did "Bron-Broen" in some ways, but I wasn't left with the same icky feeling after those films.

On a craftsmanship level, I have to disagree with most of the reviews of this film I've read since watching it. I think that the reviewers either were swayed by the big names (Campion, Elizabeth Moss, Holly Hunter) or they have low standards. The plot was mediocre IMO, even by TV detective series standards. The timeline (which took place over 5 months) was completely messed up, with no real sense of elapsed time between scenes, the "whodunnit" was obvious after episode 3, and IMO there were almost no real characters. Instead they were caricatures...stereotypes with little depth...and I for one found none of them believable. Especially Holly Hunter as GJ. As I said before, if Campion actually based her on UG Krishnamurti, then her perception is *way* off. The only one of the awards it was nominated for that I felt was deserved was for cinematography, and even that was a no-brainer, because all that the DP had to do was point a camera at the beautiful NZ countryside and turn it on.

All in all, color me disappointed. I was hoping that watching it would "cure" me of my aversion to Jane Campion, but instead it reinforced it. I won't be bothering with any of her films in the future. I really *needed* (after the shower) a quick watching of a dumb nerd/horror movie ("Knights Of Badassdom") to take the bad taste out of my eyes.

*From:* "s3raph...@yahoo.com" <s3raph...@yahoo.com>
*To:* FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
*Sent:* Thursday, February 13, 2014 12:22 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] RE: TV-inspired rap: Some early "Top Of The Lake" impressions

I watched the whole of "Top Of The Lake". It's unpleasant and violent with no redeeming or attractive characters. I only watched because of the UG guru role to see where that would lead. "Nowhere" is the answer. There's no real relationship between the spiritual group and the disorder and crime surrounding it so the commune just adds a slightly exotic ambience to the drama. You wanted Holly Hunter's character to provide an alternative interpretation of the events but there is no resolution - just a confirmation of Campion's pessimism.

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