Re ";It is no good replying that lots of ordinary religious people conceive of 
God in all sorts of crude ways at odds with the sophisticated philosophical 
theology developed by classical theists . . . ":  

 Precisely. Also your post makes it clear that the ideas we're talking about go 
back to Neoplatonic thinkers like Plotinus who was very hostile to 
Christianity. But Plotinus's "One" is completely transcendent - and so beyond 
thought - as is "Brahman", the "Tao"; or Eckhart's "Godhead". 
 Dawkins and co are arguing with the "ordinary religious people" and not the 
pioneering thinkers. (Also Dawkins' science is essentially 19th-century science 
- he's scared of quantum physics as it takes him outside his comfort zone and 
he's aware of how weird it is.)

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