Oooooopsie-Barry. Nothing wrong with Stevie-boy's questions, but life after 
death wasn't part of the discussion, as Barry would have known had he read the 

 Barry's panties are really in a wad this morning. Yesterday he got slapped 
down because he mistakenly assumed I was trying to "sell" my beliefs (not 
having read my posts). So this morning he's trying to attack me for not trying 
to "sell" my beliefs. Too funny.

 In any case, anyone who has been reading my posts on a regular basis knows I'm 
not a believer. That really confuses Barry, because he has neither the 
intellect nor the principles to understand why someone would object to ignorant 
bigotry if one doesn't have a dog in the fight. Nor does he have the smarts to 
even grasp what the argument he's so contemptuous of has been about.

 Carry on, Barry. I'm sure you can manage to fuck up another few times today.

 Good questions, especially in an argument started by and perpetuated by 
someone who doesn't even have the balls to say what she believes. She's arguing 
*literally* just for the sake of arguing. Go figure. 


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