The good thing about Comcast trying to buy Time Warner Cable is that it has brought this issue to the forefront which is something I can be the dummies who run Comcast didn't expect. The discussion has gone VERY viral and I highly doubt the Comcast-TWC merger will be allowed. They will probably drop it.

But it has also made what was the Netflix throttling discussions go from geek and home theater enthusiast sites to mainstream America. Lots of people are annoyed now with see rebuffering and low resolution displays when they should be getting HD. Probably time to create a national front for change to take away the telecom monopolies.

In my native state of Washington dusty ol' Ephrata, a town of around 6000 has very fast Internet comparable to Google fiber. Thing is this was part of a program that was put into effect some 15 years ago by the Washington Public Utilities Department. Interesting thing is after municipal fiber was put in the then Democrat governor came out against it. That's the problem: these monopolist telecoms get their state assembly leaders to implement laws against municipal fiber. BTW, it's really not a monopoly but a monopsony:

On 02/22/2014 10:49 AM, Pundit Sir wrote:
The rent is too damn high!

"Who doesn't think their Internet and cable bills are too high? For years now, I've been tracking the stories asking why we in the U.S. seem to be perennial sufferers of a certain chronic syndrome: Bills too high, Internet speed too slow."

Why your cable bills are so high, and what you can do: <>

On Sun, Jan 26, 2014 at 11:30 AM, Bhairitu < <>> wrote:

    I was listening to a tax expert talk about this years taxes
    yesterday.  The host asked him if he was for a flat tax.  He said
    no but he was for tax simplification.  Our federal tax system is
    TOO DAMN COMPLEX!  He said the problem is there is a sector of the
    economy that makes money off it being complex.  I find the federal
    tax system complexity an insult to Americans who indeed should
    rebel over it.  Don't let IRS bullies push you around!

    On 01/26/2014 05:50 AM, Richard Williams wrote:
    Everyone hates taxation - there's a tax on your earned income; a
    tax on your property; on your gas and oil; on the car that you
    drive to work; and on tobacco, beer and pot - next they'e be
    wanting to put a tax on your seat. It's just outrageous.

    The rent is too damn high!

    Inline image 1

    The property tax on this place is about $100 a month in real
    dollars - you take that out of a social security check and what
    have you got left? I guess you could take a city bus to the
    grocery store and buy some beans and rice. While you're there,
    buy some potatoes - but watch out - they might try to tax your
    food stuffs. Go figure.

    "This is about the time of the year, every year, where I wish
    there was a rewind button. November and December are filled with
    holiday fun, extra days off, and getting together with friends
    and family. Then January hits and "wham!" -- all of your credit
    card bills from December become due and Uncle Sam comes knocking
    at your door to get you to do your taxes by April 15. Happy New
    Year, right?"

    10 States With the Highest Property Taxes in America:

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