The paragraph saying -
"If we were able to unite with the essence of God, we too would become gods in 
essence. In other words everything would become a god, and there would be 
confusion so that, nothing would be essentially a god. In a few words, this is 
what they believe in the Oriental religions, e.g. in Hinduism, where the god is 
not a personal existence but an indistinct power dispersed through all the 
world, in men, in animals, and in objects (Pantheism). "
This is a typical Semitic Monotheistic misunderstanding of the "Orientals". It 
is just as prevalent in Orthodoxy as in RC/Protestant theology - only is 
uses/misuses Western philosophic terminology (i.e. "pantheism"). Since the 
creature/Creator distinction is paramount, it is the backdrop of every 
discussion about theosis. 
The point of the discussion is the doctrine of Theosis and how/why it is the 
original Christian theological formulation.

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