Um. If classical theism has nothing to do with any religion, how come six of 
the 16 "God 1.0" chart items refer to Jesus Christ or the Trinity? Ooooopsie? 

 << The position of Classical Theism is this so called "God" is  "beingness" 
and not a being.

Thus classical theism is an abstract philosophical position 
and has nothing to do with any religion. >>

Welcome to God 2.0 

---  Vaj <vajradh...@...> wrote:
> Deepak Chopra's God 2.0
> The "quantum flapdoodle" of the New Age author is a failed
> effort to update medieval theology.
> Chopra's New Age theology is essentially an updating
> of this medieval scheme, with ample borrowings from
> the vocabulary of particle physics. This upgrade from
> God 1.0 to God 2.0 can be summarized in the following
> chart (inspired by my friend and colleague Stephen
> Beckner):
> God 1.0
> 1.  omnipresent
> 2.  fully man/fully God
> 3.  miracle
> 4.  leap of faith
> 5.  transubstantiation
> 6.  Council of Rome
> 7.  supernatural forces
> 8.  heaven
> 9.  hell
> 10. eternity
> 11. prayer
> 12. the Godhead
> 13. the Trinity
> 14. orgiveness of sin
> 15. virgin birth
> 16. resurrection
> God 2.0
> 1.  non-local
> 2.  wave/particle duality
> 3.  wave-function collapse
> 4.  quantum leap
> 5.  Heisenberg uncertainty principle
> 6.  Copenhagen interpretation
> 7.  anti-matter
> 8.  dark energy
> 9.  dark matter
> 10. space/time continuum
> 11. quantum entanglement
> 12. general relativity
> 13. special relativity
> 14. quantum erasure
> 15. quantum decoherence
> 16. virtual reality 

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