"most people"? What we are talking about is a group of people in a closed room 
affecting other minds at a distance by some sort of spooky radiance effect. Bit 
different than someone being say, angry and annoying people at work but 
suddenly finding yoga and being more happy and thus improving the atmosphere.  

 No spookiness required for that as most people would indeed understand but the 
ME? No chance, it's a category error old chap and you know it. Two completely 
different orders of things.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <punditster@...> wrote:

 On 2/25/2014 6:44 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
 > very stupid TB'ers say "OH, I bet there would have been MORE deaths if 
 > we had not been a-flyin' all these years.
 It's really a no-brainer; most people believe that peaceful individuals 
 will radiate peace throughout their surroundings. This is proved every 
 day by large populations all over the world. This belief is based on the 
 good-vibration principle: peace in the individual radiates peace to 
 everyone else. This is obviously true for almost anyone with a brain. A 
 guy sitting peacefully with his eyes closed meditating, thinking, or 
 having no thoughts, is a more peaceful individual than a suicide bomber 
 on a dirt bike speeding toward a public market. So, the problem is not 
 with the ME - the problem is with the lack of a consciousness-based 

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