Was talking to an old buddy of mine whom I met at MIU - he was there for 8 
years total cuz he got 2 grad degrees and his undergrad there - spent some time 
in the summers on staff. 

He liked other points of view which led him to being a big Charlie Lutes fan, 
and led him also to attend one Robin Carlson meeting. As he put it, "They must 
have had spies at the meeting cause the day after I went I got hauled into the 
administrators office for a lengthy interrogation with the TM-Sidhi 
administrators and James Beddinger."

He said that for years after that event whenever he applied for any kind of WPA 
they questioned him about Robin Carlsen and his affiliation with RC.

He also told me he had two friends that really got into going to see RC - these 
were students who of course were required to go to Dome twice a day, and after 
the MIU people got wind of their interest in RC they tried to kick them out of 
the Dome since it was feared they would be doing "other techniques" but these 
two boys apparently took them to court and the judge ruled that since according 
to MIU rules Dome attendance was a mandatory part of the school curriculum and 
these boys had paid their tuition, they were legally entitled to attend. Well, 
evidently James Beddinger was not aware of this, or didn't care because as my 
friend put it:

"There we were in the Dome gettin' ready to do program, right in the beginning 
you know, when everybody is settling down and still filing in and here comes 
James telling my two friends to leave, that they were not welcome in the Dome 
anymore. Before they could argue much, up popped Bill Goldstein who told James 
he couldn't remove them because of the judge's ruling. James didn't like it at 
all, especially when one of my buddies offered him some sass about it, right to 
his face."

Since I never cared for Little Jimmy I liked this story quiet a bit.

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