Please forgive my ignorance but what is a prahsna chart?
On Fri, 3/21/14, <> wrote:

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Jet Vanishes
 Date: Friday, March 21, 2014, 8:07 PM
       I casted a prashna chart a few days ago asking the
 question, "did the Malaysian plane crash?"
  It took me a while to interpret the chart until I
 found the likely scenario about this mysterious case.
 The chart revealed that the plane crashed indeed.
  The likely culprit is the co-pilot, who appears on the
 surface to be a devout Muslim.  However, he had dark
 side to his psyche, which included the belief that he could
 die for his religion in order to attain heaven and bliss.
  And it didn't matter if he took others to the
 grave with him.
 He was also an ambitious man who wanted to rise
 in his chosen field.  He wanted to be the main pilot
 for the company he was working for.  It appeared that
 in the past he had history of disagreeing with the main
 pilot he was working with during the previous flights.
  The reason for this was that he thought he was just as
 qualified as they were to command the airplane on his own
 The chart further reveals that his ambition may
 have been threatened by the company's refusal to give
 him the opportunity to reach his goal of being the captain
 of the airplane.  As such, he probably thought that his
 career was over and that his life was meaningless.
  Thus, the dark side of his psyche took
 On this last flight, he already planned that he
 was going to commit suicide and take everyone else with him
 in vengeance against the company.  So, after about 40
 minutes from take-off, he killed the main pilot and took
 control of the airplane.  He then reported to base
 saying that everything was "all right.  Good
 He changed course and made the plane climb to a
 very high altitude in order to kill the rest of the
 passengers.  Then he set the automatic controls to take
 over and head for a meaningless direction towards the Indian
 Ocean until the plane ran out of fuel and crashed.
 ---In, <punditster@...>
 wrote :
 scenario begins with the eruption of hazardous materials
 within the cargo hold – either improperly packaged or
 illegally shipped – or both. It is thought the missing
 plane climbed to 45,000ft - a move Mr Vincent believes may
 have resulted from the pilots not being able to see the
 controls properly."
 'Missing jet WAS carrying highly flammable lithium
 batteries: CEO of Malaysian Airlines finally admits to
 dangerous cargo four days after DENYING it'
 Daily Mail:
 ---In, <authfriend@...>
 wrote :
 appears that you're mistaken, John, at least according
 to the folks who are in a position to know how much fuel the
 plane had.
 It doesn't appear the plane has enough fuel
 to reach Kyrgyzstan or Iran for that matter, unless it
 landed and refueled in India or western China.
  Nonetheless, it appears likely that the plane was
 hijacked and diverted into a new destination by people on
 board, perhaps including a passenger and a crew member.
 ---In, <authfriend@...>
 wrote :
 from Malaysian officials is the assumption that the plane
 was deliberately diverted by people on board.
 And then there's this:
 "Early this morning BBC reporter Jonah
 Fisher tweeted, 'Being briefed by Malaysia officials
 they believe most likely location for MH370 is on land
 somewhere near Chinese/Kyrgyz border.'...A violent
 Uyghur separatist movement is active in [the eastern portion
 of Kyrgyzstan].”

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