Hate to tell you this, Feebs, but you're hallucinating again. Nowhere did I say 
anything about an apology. Is that your guilty conscience talking? 


 Judy's got another addition to her crib sheet. All those "alleged" infractions 
requiring an apology. I wonder how long the list is now.  I wonder if she goes 
over them each night before beddybye.  That might explain some things. (-: 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <authfriend@...> wrote :

  And left dangling is your failure to chastise either Barry or Steve 
concerning their vile speculations about DoctorDumbass's marriage. Talk about 
hypocrisy... How you can face yourself in the mirror, I can't imagine. 



 Judy, it sounded like turq had shown them what you had written. Whereas you're 
going by one utterance of his, whom you often call a liar!
Almost none of us here have direct experience of the rest of us. IMO that's a 
good reason to reserve judgement or at least err on the positive side. 

Speaking of which, I was actually shocked, which is a good thing, by what you 
said about turq's family because I had never heard you say something like that 
about individuals who don't even post here.

 On Tuesday, March 25, 2014 1:11 PM, "authfriend@..." <authfriend@...> wrote:
   Thank you for posting what I actually said. Try not to distort it next time, 
OK? What I wrote was quite clear and direct before you tried to turn it into 
innuendo, implication, obfuscation, and indirect accusation.

 And I note that, as predicted, you avoided answering my question. That's 
because you couldn't answer it honesty without its reflecting poorly on Barry's 


 Judy, I think you are very good at innuendo, implication, obfuscation and 
indirect accusation. Here is what you wrote: For all we know, his "family" 
approves of and encourages his despicable behavior on FFL...Maybe Barry 
wouldn't live with them if they weren't as rotten as he is.

I hadn't thought there was any evidence for either her speculation or mine, so 
I was startled (but gratified!) when Barry handily supplied the evidence for my 
speculation (even if he didn't quite realize that's what he was doing).
 On Tuesday, March 25, 2014 11:49 AM, "authfriend@..." <authfriend@...> wrote:
   Not what I said, Share. If you have to misquote to make your point, you know 
there's something wrong with it.

 BTW, has Barry's "family" had "a lot of direct and negative experience" with 

 (Share won't answer this question. And of course she isn't going to chastise 
Barry or the Feeb for their disgusting speculations about DoctorDumbass's 



 Yep, Judy and you're still sinking! In this case by leaving off the 
accompanying part where you suggested that his family is as "rotten" as turq; 
and later when you said you were shocked but "gratified" to conclude that they 
are! Based on one utterance of his! People with whom you have had no direct 
FWIW, it would take a heck of a lot of direct and negative experience with a 
person in order for me to think of them as rotten.

And there is NOTHING that would make me feel gratified to come to such 
conclusion about another human being.

 On Monday, March 24, 2014 9:45 PM, "authfriend@..." <authfriend@...> wrote:
   Interesting, According to Share, I was "sinking to a new low" when I 
suggested Barry's "family" encouraged his despicable behavior here (and can't 
acknowledge that I was right). Now here's the Feebo applauding one of Barry's 
most despicable attacks ever on FFL. Think Share will chastise either Feebs or 


 For example, how's your marriage doing, you who are so keen to paint me with 
the brush of "emotional issues?" We haven't heard much about your wife lately. 
Is she still your wife?  

 Father forgive me.  I've wondered the same thing.

 Or are you roaming around the country in your trailer because you've got no 
home to go home to? 





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