turq, for me you're raising some fascinating questions: how can we discern the 
development of another; and it's corollary, how can we discern the efficacy of 
any self development programs that individual might be using. As each person 
follows their own unfathomable karma, can we know 100% for sure that they're 
not playing the role they were born to play? I think for sure lock away 
killers, etc. And in our personal life, avoid those whose company we don't 
enjoy. Do our best to enjoy life and help others enjoy if they want our help. 
Beyond that, it's a mystery that I love. Go figure!

On Tuesday, April 1, 2014 7:02 AM, "steve.sun...@yahoo.com" 
<steve.sun...@yahoo.com> wrote:
Yes, Barry, you list many truths here.  I think the watershed moment for Judy 
in her adult life, and possibly her whole life, was Robin's arrival on FFL.  

No need to elaborate.  I think she make good points on occasion,but overall her 
legacy will be that as a very mean person, who evidently does not believe in 
any meaningful degree of self reflection.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

I would suggest (and in fact have done so several times) that what I and other 
people don't like about Judy Stein has pretty much *everything* to do with TM. 
And I defy her to present posts that disprove what she characterizes as my 
"caricature" portrayal of her. 

What is inaccurate about her stooping to grade-school levels to demonize a 
fellow TM supporter on this forum? She's been doing exactly that with Share 
since pretty much the first day Share broke away from her clique and started 
making her own decisions about who to like and who not to like on this forum. 
What is inaccurate about linking Judy's ongoing persecution of Share (literally 
*thousands* of posts by now trying to portray her as stupid and a LIAR) to 
imaginary boyfriend and cult leader Robin Carlsen? This persecution pretty much 
went into high gear when Share reacted to being tormented by Robin and stood up 
for herself. And of course this grade school behavior is not limited to Share 
-- just think of the number of insulting "pet names" she's chosen to call 
people over the years, from "Stupid Sal" to "Feebs" to...well, no need to list 
them...you remember them all. 

Perhaps Judy would like to post a more "accurate" bio of herself to give us a 
better picture of what *exactly* over 30 years of TM has done for her and the 
major accomplishments it's enabled her to make.

For example, is it NOT true that she's a 70+-year-old woman who spends the vast 
majority of her time in her posts to Fairfield Life dumping on and criticizing 
other people? Is it NOT true that she almost never posts anything original or 
creative? What have her *accomplishments* been in those 70+ years? It seems to 
me, based
on what she has posted here and on other forums, that they consist of living in 
a tiny apartment above a garage in New Jersey, eking out a living correcting 
writing done by other people, while never creating any of her own (except for 
her ongoing "criticisms" on the Internet, of course). In all of that time, I 
don't remember her ever having mentioned doing something with her "friends." 
Does she even have any? In all of that time, I don't remember her ever having 
mentioned doing anything for anyone else, other than write a check to a 
charity. She *certainly* hasn't ever taught TM, because she was so busy 
(presumably with "grading papers" and "correcting" other people on the 
Internet) that she never became a teacher. She never met Maharishi, even though 
she had decades of opportunity in which to do so. Another thing I don't think 
I've ever seen Judy deal with is what gives her the
RIGHT to pick an obvious "enemy" on forums like FFL and then stalk them
for months or years, claiming that it's all "criticism" and nothing
more. Who ever named her an official "critic?" Maybe she'd like to explain that 
in the "bio" she's going to post now to "set things right."

I would say that there is EVERY reason to consider the descriptions of her 
above accurate. I would further suggest that there is EVERY reason to link them 
to her TM practice. You know...the same practice that is supposed to make one 
"more in tune with the laws of nature" and "more harmonious" and such. TM is 
also supposed to make a person more happy and fulfilled, right? Is there ANYONE 
here who would describe Judy Stein -- based on her posting history here over 
the years -- as happy and fulfilled? ANYONE?

One of the things that Judy might have learned if she had ever had what it 
takes to become a TM teacher and then work for peanuts trying to teach it 
full-time is that everything is Not About Her. Some of it is about helping 
other people...or at least doing what one thinks at the time might help other 
people. I defy her to post anything she has EVER done in her life that fits 
into that category. 

Another thing she might have learned had she become a TM teacher is that when 
you start becoming a "mouthpiece" for a spiritual technique or tradition, the 
people you're preaching to trying to convince them it's of value look at YOU as 
the EXAMPLE of what you're selling. You personify what you're selling. While 
*claiming* that she's not a True Believer, Judy *consistently* makes excuses 
for the bad behavior of the TM movement here, and tries to sell it here. Why 
shouldn't the people she's trying to sell it TO judge TM's worth based on HER 

 From: "authfriend@..." <authfriend@...>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, April 1, 2014 1:30 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Self Course Fairfield

Barry's insulting caricatures of the people here he doesn't like (his critics) 
are not, in fact, even remotely accurate. Nor, BTW, does the practice of TM 
have anything whatsoever to do with what he doesn't like about us (our 
propensity to criticize him).
Haven't you ever noticed that he has to deliberately make up things to dump on?

That is actually pretty funny (and true)

>>Michael, as I suggested in my earlier post about
>>non-celebrity endorsements 
>>if the TMO wants to "rebrand" TM to appeal to the
>>masses, I think the most honest way they could do so would
>>be to gather up a couple of months' worth of selected
>>posts from the long-term TMers here on FFL. 
>>You could have Nabby talking about how all the Buddhists of
>>the world are under the sway of their "Buddhists
>>overlords" and so jealous of TMers that they mount
>>non-stop attacks on them. You could follow that up with a
>>bunch of grade-school-level insults from Judy Stein,
>>picking on *another TMer* here just because she didn't
>>want to be in her Robin clique. Maybe include a few posts
>>from Richard Williams to make a point about how TM cures
>>insanity. You could throw in a few posts from Buck about how
>>cosmically important (yet humble) each of the thuds of Yogic
>>Flyer butts hitting the foam is. Lawson could contribute a
>>dozen posts in five minutes on the research about how TM
>>cures Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. And Jim Flanegin could
>>do a song-and-dance number about what it's like to be
>>fully enlightened, while dressed in drag as
>>"Enlightened Dawn." (Talk about lipstick on a
>>There has to be 200+ years of collective TM experience
>>leading to the things these six people post, and the things
>>they focus on. I say let the obvious nature of what TM
>>turned them into set an example for the newbies, to show
>>them what they're likely to turn into.   

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