To say that “black and white thinking is EXACTLY what the TMO engages in and 
exactly how they advertise TM” is itself an expression of black and white 


From: [] On 
Behalf Of Share Long
Sent: Tuesday, April 1, 2014 9:52 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Self Course Fairfield



Michael, now you're making a blanket and thus invalid statement! Are you saying 
that everyone in the TMO engages in black and white thinking all the time?! 
Even from the point of view of logic, how could that possibly be true?!

But as a counter example, how about what Rick recently posted from Hagelin 
about the community? Was every sentence of that an expression of black and 
white thinking?!


On Tuesday, April 1, 2014 9:44 AM, Michael Jackson < 
<> > wrote:


you ignore the fact that black and white thinking is EXACTLY what what the TMO 
engages in and exactly how they advertise TM - if you believe them, one size 
does fit all.
On Tue, 4/1/14, Share Long < 
<> > wrote:

Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Self Course Fairfield
To: " <> " 
< <> >
Date: Tuesday, April 1, 2014, 2:39 PM


imo, nothing and no one in this world is either 100% bad or
100% good. So on that level I disagree with you. Moreover, I
think TM and TMSP continue to relieve suffering and help
many people develop fully as human beings. And I don't
think that development and full development are going to
look the same way for every person. To expect that is, I
think, to again engage in black and white thinking. 

On Tuesday, April 1,
2014 8:25 AM, Michael Jackson < 
<> >


Given the fact that the TMO is an organization
that lives off lies, gets everyone else to fund them so the
leadership doesn't actually have to have real jobs - in
other words they are living parasitically off the rank and
file TM'ers - the fact that they live off of and
perpetuate many blatant lies such as don't expose
yourself to full solar eclipse cuz the demons and bad karma
will get you, if you live in a non-Marshy Vastu home, you
will have all kinds of problems and the fact that much of
their inner level marketing (meaning their marketing to True
Believers on the inner levels of the Movement) is done
through fear mongering (telling you all the bad stuff that
is gone happen if you don't do as they say, live as they
tell you to live and give them the money they are begging
for) then yes I would have to say it has become 100%
unpleasant and if you want to call it that, bad. 

What does the TMO actually DO for anyone except get you to
accept bizarre beliefs and live a bizarre lifestyle and give
them your money? What do they actually DO for people? ANYONE
who has ever worked for the Movement can attest to these
things - the TMO always gets paid, they never pay out. They
routinely lie and manipulate people. If you are giving of
your time, effort energy money to them, they love you, as
long as you jump through their hoops, but when you
can't, even through illness give to them any longer,
they cut you loose and turn their backs on you. They focus
ONLY on those who keep them up and give what they want. That
alone is enough to show what kind of people run the damn
organization and the fact that TM ain't no panacea. 


On Tue, 4/1/14, Share Long < 
<> >

Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Self Course Fairfield

To: " <> "
< <> >

Date: Tuesday, April 1, 2014, 2:27 AM



when you make such extreme statements like the one about

finding virtue in the TMO "where none exists,"

then you lose me and, I would guess, anyone who was

beginning to believe you. Are you really saying that the

is 100% without virtue?! Which implies that it's

bad. Is this what you are saying?! 

On Monday, March 31,

2014 9:18 PM, " <> "

< <> > wrote:


You know

Michael, for someone who denigrates any scientific

performed by the TMO, you sure have a way of trying to

a case on a weak set of data. Well, let's be honest.

 No data.

I mean, on the one hand, you

state that most people who start, stop soon afterward,

yet you say that the practice of TM can often be

for people committing suicide. Do I have that


Are you saying the long term

mediators are far more likely to commit suicide and have

emotional problems due to their practice of TM, and

participation in the TMO?

I wonder how you'd go about backing that


---In <> ,

<mjackson74@... <mailto:mjackson74@...> > wrote :


that to all the long term meditators who have tried to

commit suicide - tell that to the family members of

long term TM'ers who did commit suicide, tell that

the people whose lives have been ruined by their

to TM and messing around with the TMO - people who are

mental/emotional basket cases from years of TM. They do

exist. They are out there and I am willing to bet you

some of them. It is true that TM doesn't hurt some

people, but to say that it is good for most is a flat


The numbers have always been jimmied by the TMO and True

Believers. Most people who are initiated stop doing TM



On Tue, 4/1/14, Share Long <sharelong60@... <mailto:sharelong60@...> >


Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Self Course Fairfield

To: " <> "

< <> >

Date: Tuesday, April 1, 2014, 1:24 AM


Steve, I

really appreciate how common sensical (is that a valid

phrase?) you are in what you say here. Especially the

about why the TMO changed its approach. And of course,


directly relevant part about twenty minutes meditating


good for most people. 

On Monday, March 31,

2014 7:08 PM, "steve.sundur@... <mailto:steve.sundur@...> "

<steve.sundur@... <mailto:steve.sundur@...> >



---In <> ,

<steve.sundur@... <mailto:steve.sundur@...> > wrote :

Oh that's good Michael.

 At least a new name from the one I am usually


 Or actually, you are comparing me to something,

rather than

declaring I am such and such.

At any rate, regarding this new approach, so what

if they are - distancing themselves from the Hindu

Maybe they feel that has been off-putting for many


and better to downplay it.

But as has been pointed out, that is nothing

different than has been done from the beginning.

 Maharishi started with a spiritual approach, and


shifted to a more scientific approach, because it would

appeal to more people.

You want to get people though the door.  You

want to get them to the introductory lecture.  You


to outline the benefits.

I happen to be able to observe some this new

approach up close, and it seems to be having some


That and a lower fee for learning.

You are more comfortable making blanket (mostly

all negative) statements about the TMO and Maharishi.

 like many endeavors, you can choose to participate


whatever degree you like.  Meditating for twenty

minutes twice a day, would, I think, be a healthy


for most people.

---In <> ,

<mjackson74@... <mailto:mjackson74@...> > wrote



on Steve, be real - you know damn good and well they are

distancing themselves from the Hindu roots and from

Maharishi himself - if you can't see how

that is then you are a truly sheared TM sheep.


On Mon, 3/31/14,

steve.sundur@ <mailto:steve.sundur@> ...

<steve.sundur@... <mailto:steve.sundur@...> >


Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Self Course Fairfield

To: <> 

Date: Monday, March 31, 2014, 2:55 PM


You''ve always got it figured out Michael.

 Doesn't matter how many twists and turns you


to make, the conclusion is always the same.  So


the TMO has adjusted their message, or their pitch?

 That's what organizations do.  Maybe the

problem you're having is that they seem to be having

some success.  Let's face it, that's wall


you.  And really, I don't think you're


to admit it.

---In <> ,

<mjackson74@... <mailto:mjackson74@...> >

wrote :

You are both

full of it - the TMO is attempting to tap into a new


customers and they are doing it in part to distance

themselves from the Old Goat because they know he has


a liability. I know what you are saying, as to M's

references to the Self, but they have never done an ad

campaign like this - everything they do is a calculated


to gain adherents, money and like the idiots they are,

create a "vedic" society. 


On Mon, 3/31/14, steve.sundur@ <mailto:steve.sundur@> ...

<steve.sundur@... <mailto:steve.sundur@...> >


Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Self Course Fairfield

To: <> 

Date: Monday, March 31, 2014, 12:19 PM


Now that was

a "good catch" Judy.

---In <> ,

<authfriend@... <mailto:authfriend@...> >

wrote :

Er, Michael,

more likely the New Age got "It's all the

Self" from TM. The Self has always been a TM thing.

It's what you're said to experience when you

transcend, remember? Boy, you are really out in

left field here.

---In <> ,

<mjackson74@... <mailto:mjackson74@...> >

wrote :


my God! Its happening - pulling away from its Hindu and


"it's all science" roots and tapping into


vague New Age ""it's all the Self"

hoodoo! These TM'ers are SHAMELESS in selling the



On Mon, 3/31/14,

nablusoss1008 < <> >


Subject: [FairfieldLife] The Self Course Fairfield

To: <> 

Date: Monday, March 31, 2014, 9:18 AM


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