I'm more interested in why Judy is willing to accept words in a book as 
persuasive. Did the book draw a timeline that showed that there were 
significant periods of private "face-time" on a regular basis between the 
author and Maharishi?

 Did the book provide evidence that Maharishi rearranged his schedule to make 
sure these period occured?

 Did the book provide a "semen-stained dress?"


 It is entirely plausible that MMY DID have one or more affairs. He stopped 
using the title of a life-long celibate starting in the early 60's. He admitted 
in a radio interview in the late 60's that had he known it was possible to 
become enlightened without being celibate, he would have married and had kids.

 I'm just curious as to why Judy finds the book so persuasive (whether or not 
*I* would find the book persuasive is immaterial).




---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote :

 Don't worry Lawson, there are plenty of people willing to refute it on his 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <LEnglish5@...> wrote :

 "Since we know from other sources that he wasn't" 

 He might not have been, Judy, but its entirely a he said, she said scenario 
here, and "he" is now dead so he can't refute the "she said" part.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <authfriend@...> wrote :

 That's how one version of the story goes. In another version, told by Cynthia 
Lennon, Magic Alex convinced John and George that Maharishi had had sex with 
one of the American students (not Mia), and that's why they left. Cynthia 
thinks Alex was jealous of Maharishi's influence over John and wanted to get 
the Beatles away from him: 

For Magic Alex's version, see here (pages 8 and 9):


I've seen yet another version, which I can't find now on the Web, in which Alex 
set Maharishi up, collaborating with this American student to stage the scene 
implicating Maharishi that Alex took John to witness.

 Mia Farrow wasn't involved in any of these versions. From everything I can 
determine, it appears that the Mia story and the John-and-George-leaving story 
got conflated somewhere along the line. In any case, as Lawson says, Mia has 
backed way off her original claim.

 But if the issue is whether Maharishi was or wasn't celibate, which of the 
above versions (if any) is the correct one is irrelevant, since we know from 
other sources that he wasn't.




 Really? That's how the story goes, last read by me in that definitive book 
about the Beatles released 10-ish years ago.  

 The fact her sister is a TM teacher means nothing to me about anything. Except 
maybe she might want to always paint the movement in a good light. I read 
somewhere that they do that a lot.

 You should get down the local Krishna restaraunt and get a copy of Chant and 
be Happy it's all about the Beatles and Krishna, boy will you see them in a new 
light. In fact you will see the power of selective editing at work. The TMO 
never mentions H&L's devotion to Krishna and the Isckon book doesn't mention 
TM. LOL, these cults and their obsession with one-upmanship.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <LEnglish5@...> wrote :

 I havent been able to find an account by Mia Farrow where she says that MMY 
attempted to get her to lie down, just that he started to give her a hug.  At 
least, that is what her autobiography says. She may have watered down her story 
from the time of the incident. Her sister is an active TM teacher, after all. 
Continually attacking her sister's teacher would be a bad way to keep peace in 
the family. 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote :

 1 Comment below....

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <LEnglish5@...> wrote :

 ""He was a brilliant manipulator," said Mrs Pearce. "I just couldn't see that 
he was a dirty old man. We made love regularly. At one stage I even thought I 
was pregnant by him. And I don't think I was the only girl. There was a lot of 
talk that he'd tried to rape"

 This seems a far cry from the poignant tale of love told in  her story of the 
affair (I've never read it, so going by hearsay). Anthony Campbell commented on 
her claim and said that Maharishi was in meetings with large groups of people 
at all hours of hte day and night during that time, and tehre's no way a secret 
affair could have happened without everyone (including him) being in on it. 
Campbell is now a practicing Buddhist.

 Mia Farrow says that given her frame of mind at that time, had Jesus given her 
a hug, she would have taken it the wrong way.

 The two surviving Beatles gave a benefit concert to raise money for TM some 
years back, spoke highly of Maharishi in interviews, and John Lennon's widow, 
Yoko Ono, even attended the concert.

 The two non-surviving Beatles, Lennon and Harrison (the ones who were actually 
in Rishikesh at the time of the incident), quit TM soon after getting back from 
India. Harrison had the Iskcon camping in his garden by the end of that year. 
They both said that chanting the Krishna mantra was the ultimate spiritual 
experience and did it for years, Harrison kept it up until he died, claiming it 
saved his life many times.

 Iskcon publish a book about it but they don't mention TM, saying that Harrison 
and Lennon had been doing a type of mantra meditation for a while.

 Regarding Mia Farrow, she was alone with the reesh and he tried to put his 
arms round her and get her to lie down. You don't need to know anything else do 
you, it's inappropriate enough without any fantasies. When L&H heard about it 
they announced to Marshy that they were leaving and he asked why. Lennon said 
"If you're so cosmic, you tell us". 

 The fickleness of the famous? Or the only people who ever said no?


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