I'll probably get flak for saying this, but it almost sounds like Michael's 
emotional development got arrested at around age nine or ten.  Maybe when a 
child begins to separate reality from fantasy. 

 I never swallowed whole on all the claims made or implied by MMY.  I mean, a 
teacher lays out a vision, or a path, and everyone's experience is going to be 

 If there is anyone who places MMY on a pedestal, a likely candidate would be 
Michael, who seems to feel betrayed because the organization or the technique 
isn't producing an ideal citizen in everyone touched by it.  

 Okay, so the ME effect seems to have some flaws.  I don't know the mechanics 
of how a large group of people practicing TM or the TMSP might affect the 
environment, or if it affects the environment at all. I don't know if yagyas 
are totally bogus or legitimate, or maybe somewhere in between.

 Yea, like most, I'd like to see some vetted scientific research.  I'm one who 
believes that there should be some physiological correlates in those who are 
said to have a higher state of consciousness.

 After all, Yogananda, IIRC, made some claims, which were borne out, such as 
the lack, or very slow decay, of his body after death.  I think he also 
demonstrated going into a state of samadhi, with no detectable breath for 
significant period of time.

 I would say events such as those bear further investigation.




---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <sharelong60@...> wrote :

 Steve, your last two paragraphs make a lot of sense to me based on my own 
experience. I think in general it's wise to take what's good about someone or 
something and leave the rest. UNLESS there's violence happening in which case I 
think it's essential to do what one can to prevent it, even if that's only 
speaking out about it.  

 On Tuesday, April 8, 2014 7:50 AM, "steve.sundur@..." <steve.sundur@...> wrote:
   Well, I would say you may still be a little wet behind the ears.  I think 
many have taken this route.  

 A friend of mine who was an active teacher back in the day, and lived in FF 
for a spell, is now priest in an archdiocese in Iowa somewhere, IIRC, and he 
tells a similar store as Kai Druhl, and his objections run along the same lines.

 I think you have a tendency to take at face value every claim MMY or the TMO 
has made, and then when they don't pan out you start pounding.  I think others 
were able to figure in a discount for the "vision of possibilities" and go from 

 Yes, some of things that have come to light in the intervening years have 
caused me some cognitive dissonance, and forced me to look at things 
differently, but I know what I have taken away from the experience overall, and 
that has allowed me to overcome some of the dysfunctional parts of it all.



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