Also, as I pointed out to Barry recently, "shooting the messenger" refers to a 
messenger who is not himself or herself responsible for the bad-news message. 
Obviously that's not the case with the "messages" Barry is being criticized 
for. In the case of Sem, for example, we've known the "bad news" ever since the 
murder occurred. The criticism directed at Barry has to do with his extreme 
negative--and maliciously dishonest--spin on that old news, much of it directed 
at the TMers here (plus his idiotic notion that Sem's book was going to make a 
huge splash and "a new round of publicity is going to begin exposing the 
Maharishi Effect" as ineffective). 


 Nablusoss, thank you but I was attempting to NOT shoot the messenger! Anyway, 
we're all just evolving here. Or developing, which is the unloaded word I 
prefer. Everybody's got a mix of health and abnormality in their system. Make 
good use of the best and leave the rest. Cowabunga!

 Nabby wasn't accusing you of shooting the messenger, Share. He was telling you 
to stop wasting your time trying to talk "sense" to Bawwy.

 On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 9:43 AM, nablusoss1008 <> 
   Don't waste your time. This fellow is a quitter and has forgotten what real 
meditation is all about. What is left is a bitter old man spending whatever 
remains of his life-energy desperately trying to denounce the only real Saint 
he, however briefly, ever met.


---In, <sharelong60@...> wrote :

 turq, I think the ME exists just as I think that TM brings about diving deep 
and then releasing stress and or going around a big iceberg, to use one of 
Maharishi's analogies. 

Which is to say that a person either agrees with this explanation or they do 
not. If they do not, then they can reasonably say that neither TM or the ME 
works. If they agree with this explanation, then they can reasonably say that 
both TM and the ME are working as predicted.

Speaking as someone who agrees with this explanation, I will nonetheless add 
that sometimes the best way to deal with unstressing is something other than 
checking a person's meditation!

 On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 7:30 AM, TurquoiseBee <turquoiseb@...> wrote:
   From: "steve.sundur@..." <steve.sundur@...>
 Sent: Wednesday, April 9, 2014 2:22 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unstressing or Demons?
   ---In, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

 Wouldn't it be a little more impressive if all these people who still feel 
strongly about the TMO and still seem to believe that the ME is -- or even may 
be -- a real phenomenon spent a little time making a case for either, rather 
than trying to either demonize the critics or portray them as crazy? Wouldn't 
that display a little more...dare I say it?...creative intelligence? Just 

 That seems to be the strongest point that you, and Michael focus on, i.e. the 
ME and why it doesn't it seem to have an impact in the immediate area of FF.  I 
don't have an answer for it.

 I think Ann made a good point, that there seems to be a misconception of the 
part of Michael, at least, that the ME is capable of having such a transforming 
effect on the environment that conflicts will become non existent.  It is in 
areas like this where I think he sometimes has a problem separating fantasy 
from reality, hence my comment along those lines.

 But as to why it hasn't lowered crime or other problems in FF, no idea.

I don't have a definitive answer either, but I suspect that the most likely 
answer is that the ME doesn't actually exist. 




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