Morning sunlight is the basis behind Bright Light Therapy for Seasonal 
Affective Disorder, I believe. 

 The mechanisms by which they work may be similar.

---In, <> wrote :

 These science paywall's are so unfair, you either have to take their word for 
it or fork out what could amount to a fortune to get one or two papers from a 
journal that wouldn't cost as much for the whole thing by subscription.

 But lets take them at their word and assume that morning sunlight is 
beneficial for bipolar patients. Why might that be?

 Bipolar disorder is when you have mood swings between depression and mania, 
depending on the severity of the extremes and frequency of the swings it can be 
a seriously debilitating condition. One of the problems people with mania have 
is an inability to get to sleep due to hyper-activity, perhaps having an east 
facing room would help reset a natural balance?

 It's known that a woman with irregular periods can reset the natural rhythm by 
sleeping with the light on every 28 days (no prizes for spotting the connection 
there) so perhaps someone with a disrupted diurnal rhythm might get a bit more 
sleep and thus a bit more time to recover from the exhaustion associated with 
bipolar mania.


 This might be why it doesn't have any effect on unipolar depressives who tend 
to have no trouble getting off to sleep but typically wake up early in the 
morning anyway. 

 Just thinking out loud because I can't afford to read every science paper I'd 
like to either, but if it is something like this then what right have the TMO 
got to claim woo woo? And it doesn't even make sense if they do because you'd 
have to have an east facing bedroom (and not all of them are) and it would 
matter if the front door faced south even as we're talking about windows.

 So it isn't really a victory for vastu either way but things like this are 
interesting, if morning light is good for some people so be it. I'm a morning 
person which apparently means my body clock resets itself every night. People 
who can't get about of bed in the morning (the other half of humanity) don't 
have this inbuilt skill. A test like this for them might be interesting, 
assuming this paper has anything actually interesting to say in the first place 
which we won't know until someone coughs up for copy. Hey ho.


---In, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

 Excellent, excellent post by the master of the new MUMOSA website, 
underscoring how the much ballyhooed "science" shoring up TM is often baloney.

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