On 4/13/2014 9:32 AM, Share Long wrote:
> Actually I wonder if a third world country would be the best place to 
> be...
As far as human rights is concerned, you might want to avoid these third 
world countries:

Burma (Myanmar), Cuba, Libya, North Korea, Somalia, Sudan, Turkmenistan, 
and Uzbekistan. Also included are two territories, Chechnya (Russian 
Federation) and Tibet, whose inhabitants suffer intense repression. 
These states and regions received the Freedom House survey’s lowest 
rating: 7 for political rights and 7 for civil liberties.

Also the most repressive: Belarus, China, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, 
Laos, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Zimbabwe. The territory of Western Sahara 
(most of the territory is controlled by Morocco).


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