Share, don't believe a word what pundits on internet-blogs tells you about TM. 
 The periods with transcendence are longer with advanced techniques but a 
beginner might believe otherwise because the contrast between silence and 
activity appears less. 


---In, <sharelong60@...> wrote :

 Lawson, I'm not sure about the accuracy of your statement that because the 
dive is shallower, progression to samadhi takes longer. In one of Fred Travis' 
graduate classes, someone complained that they didn't feel deep in TM anymore. 
Fred explained that one way to understand the growth from CC to GC is that the 
depth comes up to the surface. So we might not feel deep. But that doesn't mean 
that we aren't deep. I'd add that in any case, trying to feel deep is counter 

 On Wednesday, April 16, 2014 9:29 PM, "LEnglish5@..." <LEnglish5@...> wrote:
   The long-term outcome of all mantras is that they lead to samadhi. Some work 
faster than others, which, ironically, is the point of advanced techniques: the 
dive is more shallow, so the progression to samadhi takes longer.

 So that doesn't explain the striking difference between TM and other 
mantra-based methods. It's not the fact that a simple, fast-working mantra was 
being used. If that was the case, then other practices would show the simplest 
state of awareness slower, but instead, they show it LESS, the longer people 
have been practicing.




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