Michael, I don't know if I was so much a true believer in that I surrendered 
all my analytical skills. Yes, I believed in the message, and  spread it pretty 
effectively I think. That is to say the basic technique of TM.   

 Perhaps, like many, I was searching for something "more" back in the day, and 
TM seemed to be the answer for that.  And so, I became a teacher and graduated 
from MIU.

 Throughout that time, there were aspects of the organization that I found 
ridged and a bit misguided and so it lost some of its charm for me.  But there 
was no single event that caused me to become disillusioned.  In fact I've 
mentioned that after I graduated in 1981, I continued to do group program until 
the time I got married and had a child.

 And now, I feel as though that spiritual journey has entered a different 
phase.  As far as my mediation, I still do that after work before I come home, 
or after dinner when I feel a need.  I find it relaxing, although I don't do it 
in the context of a spiritual technique, if that makes any sense.

 And again, I feel the spiritual path is what makes life meaningful, but that 
path take on many forms.  My wife is a pretty devout Catholic, and I think she 
has been served well by her adherence to that practice.

 Thanks for the inquiry.



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

 Steve, I may be wrong but didn't you recently allude to you being a real true 
believer at one time who became disillusioned with certain things about TM or 
at least with the TMO? Would you mind telling what aspects you became 
disillusioned with and what aspects you are still alright with?
 On Sat, 4/19/14, steve.sundur@... mailto:steve.sundur@... <steve.sundur@... 
mailto:steve.sundur@...> wrote:
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why does TM seem to focus on losers?
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Saturday, April 19, 2014, 1:49 AM
 FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
<turquoiseb@...> wrote
 And *this* gets
 me to thinking about whether Maharishi always pitched TM to
 losers and people with problems and low self esteem because
 they become the best disciples. And *disciples* is what he
 was looking for.
 Or is it possible that for whatever reason the
 generation that responded most strongly to Maharishi's
 message was a generation that was searching for something
 different.  Is it possible that this may have been a
 reason, or do you prefer just to go with the low self
 esteem, loser
 And is it possible that somehow you have gotten
 more jaded in your outlook on life such that everything to
 do with TM, at least, gets reduced to the worst possible
 This is after all an organization that you left
 more than 40 years ago, and yet you are one of the most
 active participants in a forum which has this organization
 as it's focus.
 I don't know if the TB experiment you allude
 to regularly really makes
 You appear to have a pretty big investment in
 anything, and everything
 Am I wrong about
 Think about it. Does the TMO really spend
 any energy trying to market TM to "regular
 people," who have few problems in life and are just
 looking to enjoy it more? They do not. They focus on People
 With Problems.
 Kids doing badly in school. Criminals locked
 away in prisons. Veterans with PTSD. 
 Can't this be seen as a continuation of
 a long-standing trend to look for prospective new students
 among populations who are more likely to be easy to convert
 into True Believers and thus become disciples? 
 It's just an idea. YMMV. 

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