Oh, and  by the way, the whole impetus behind my post was that I didn't 
understand the way sal was using the term "entities".  Once he said it was 
comparable to "components", it make more sense to me.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <steve.sundur@...> wrote :

 --In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :
  "steve.sundur@..." <steve.sundur@...>

 And I'm saying you sound kind of desperate, as if -- as you admit -- forcing 
an imaginary atheist to be uncomfortable is your real goal. 


 Well Barry, IIRC, your answer to this possibility was that "there are zillions 
of ways" this could take place, or something to that effect.  So, I guess that 
is what works for you.  As for the "desperate" part, I think that is something 
you like to pin on people when a discussion goes past what you consider a 
proper stopping point.  You are the acting police chief in that regard I guess.

In other words, it sounds to me as just *talk* about atheism has been so 
uncomfortable *for you* that you want to make someone else uncomfortable in 

 Well, of course Barry.  That fits your narrative doesn't it. People that are 
critical of some of the things you are say are either:

 desperate, cult apologists, or, wait......................the grand answer 
-"Trying to Sell Me Something.


If your belief in a God is so strong, why is it so challenged just by someone 
believing something different than you believe?

 Oh, Barry, can you ever get out of your rut.  Where did I ever say my belief 
in God was so strong?  I've never said such a thing, and I've separated the 
discussion of reincarnation from the necessity of God.  Are you really unable 
to deviate from your narrative that everyone is trying to sell you something?

  You seem to pin almost your *entire* reason for believing in God on your 
desire/need to believe in reincarnation. Great...I get it...you don't want to 
die, and prefer to believe that you won't, and in your view you need a God to 
make that happen. 

 Read the discussion Barry. It's not about God.  You, yourself said that there 
is no need to bring in God in explaining reincarnation.  You know, the previous 
life experiences you've talked about many times.  Here's what it is Barry.  It 
is you who are afraid of this possibility.  That' s why you are engaging in 
this "shoot the message episode"  Be real about it Barry.  Be willing to give 
up your beliefs if need be.  You'll feel liberated.  Didn't someone say that 
the other day?

As I've told you, I don't believe in God, and yet I sorta suspect there is 
something to reincarnation. Millions of Buddhists feel the same way -- they 
believe in reincarnation and don't believe in God. Doncha think you're being 
kinda silly to try to make someone feel uncomfortable just because you can't 
conceive of reincarnation being an automatic process that requires no 
intervention or supervision?

 Barry, once you remove the lens that anyone expressing an opinion that you may 
not agree with, is not trying to sell you something, I think discussion will be 
more fruitful.  Until then, I think this is the conclusion you are likely to 
come to.

 Anyway, gotta go now.  Thanks for your comments.

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