On 4/21/2014 2:30 PM, nablusoss1008 wrote:
> So The Goddess is important in Buddhism yet The Turq, a proclaimed 
> Buddhist, denies God exist. 
That's because Tara is not a Hindu god, but a Buddhist siddha. The gods 
may bring boons in the form of material wealth, but they cannot bring 
one into the siddha field - they do not have that liberating insight. 
The gods, for all their power, do not see things the way a buddha sees 
things - a buddha is awakened. The Gods concern is with this world while 
siddhas are concerned with the transcendental field.
> What a mess.
That's because his teacher, Dr. Lenz, didn't know very much about the 
history or practice of Tibetan Buddhism, although he wrote a book about 
surfing in the Himalayas. Go figure. It looks like the Truq didn't 
follow up very much on the study part either, or the practice, although 
he has said he has tried mind-fullness meditation. Go figure.

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