!Cap pollution at its source! No money-market schemes to further add to the 


 This is the second time you demand others to watch and explain videos or 
photos for you to understand simple ideas. If you weren't so infinitely lazy 
you would have known the reason why chemtrails have been going on for decades 


 Salyavin808 writes:
 Don't worry Nabby I found it:

 http://rense.com/general79/chem.htm http://rense.com/general79/chem.htm

 Chemtrails are an attempt by the world's governments to create plasma in the 
atmosphere so their laser weapons can fire better. They aren't just vapour from 
aircraft engines.


 At least there's a reason...

 So are you going to explain it or not? 

 nablusoss1008 writes
 Sounds farfetched. What came from the UN-meeting, if you had bothered to 
listen, was that aluminum is thought to cool down the earths temperature by 
reflecting back sunlight. Hence the chemtrails, mostly from military and 
governmental aircrafts. That aluminum also is highly poisonous to humans since 
it enters the bloodstream through the drinking-water and hinders the root of 
trees to absorb water is considered a minor side-effect.:  

 I wouldn't say it was "discussed" more like one person droning on about an 
absurd conspiracy theory. Why would the US government be poisoning the air?

 Turq writes: It's Easter, do the Americans finally "Creep to the Cross" ?

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