For so many good reasons folks everywhere should be actively spending much more 
time in silence and transcendent meditation. There needs to be much more 
discipline around this. It is about survival of the species and planet as a 
place for spiritual life in the human form. People need to respect this problem 
a whole lot more, 
 -Buck in the Dome
 Yes Absolutely, Nablusoss. Meditate and act.  The larger problem needs much 
more spiritual activism to solve. It needs to start with much better public 
education in science and much more quiet time meditation in the school and 
workday for all its good reasons.

 nablusoss1008 writes:

 That's right Buck but Maharishi always stressed meditation AND action. Unless 
you start protesting about what is going on it will, eh.. go on.

 Yes again, more fundamentally to curb this problem people need to be active 
spending much more time in meditation and much less time producing and 
consuming widgets and stuff in their own miserably ignorant material lives.
 sharelong60 writes:  I agree Buck that all problems are ultimately spiritual 
problems. But still, I go to the dentist if I have a toothache. I liked that 
Dr. Nader was also advising people to be practical about challenges.   
Ultimately the contrail problem is spiritual.


 yikes, Nablusoss, between the chemtrails and the GMO crops, they're poisoning 
the bejeezus out of the planet and us all. Plus themselves! Fear, no terror, 
must be at the basis of such lunacy. I guess it's just another step in the 
evolutionary process (-: 


 What came from the UN-meeting, if you had bothered to listen, was that 
aluminum is thought to cool down the earths temperature by reflecting back 
sunlight. Hence the chemtrails, mostly from military and governmental 
aircrafts. That aluminum also is highly poisonous to humans since it enters the 
bloodstream through the drinking-water and hinders the root of trees to absorb 
water is considered a minor side-effect.




 Sounds farfetched.

 It all sounds farfetched. Aircraft exhaust is bad enough anyway but to add 
things to it to try and control the atmosphere would be stupid. You'd need to 
test an area first and they can't even get permission for that. It would have 
to go through congress and the EU, that would take forever and there are more 
scientists against geo-engineering than there are for it. Can you imagine what 
the courts would do to you if you were found to be carrying out potentially 
dangerous experiments without authorisation? You be strung up. and you expect 
us to believe all government departments are doing it?

 It's a conspiracy theory. Save your protest energy for something that's 
actually happening.



 Jeesus folks this is evident earth science, Stop Geo-engineering Man-made haze 
in the atmosphere. Stop Atmospheric dumping and further commercialized 
un-regulated testing to privately affect Mitigation for climate change, Stop 
the Geo-engineering like putting sulfur, iron and aluminum dust in the sky? 
Reducing Photosynthesis and reducing solar power? Cirrus and man-made clouds 
changing climate in contrails, 4k kilometers long and persisting 20 hours? 
Non-comercial jets? Bursting contrail streams reducing solar power to the earth.
 This all is enough data and observation that I am now willing to be a contrail 
hypothesis believer by virtue of a better understanding the problem now. Thanks 
for that UN presentation link at the bottom of this. 
 -Buck, out standing in his fields

 !Cap pollution at its source! No money-market schemes to further add to the 



 This is the second time you demand others to watch and explain videos or 
photos for you to understand simple ideas. If you weren't so infinitely lazy 
you would have known the reason why chemtrails have been going on for decades 


 Salyavin808 writes:
 Don't worry Nabby I found it:

 Chemtrails are an attempt by the world's governments to create plasma in the 
atmosphere so their laser weapons can fire better. They aren't just vapour from 
aircraft engines.


 Very funny Sal, so you think the US Government needs a permission ?  Is it 
stupid, yes of course it is but it's been going on for so long, since the early 
80's so don't expect any admission of fault anytime soon. Only mass-awareness 
from the grassroots with rallies and general strikes etc. can stop this. Let's 
hope the Americans haven't become too duped to do something about it.

 I didn't think the US govt had admitted that global warming was happening? 
Certainly not as far back as the 1980's. Every administration since would have 
to agree with the idea and secretly carry on. As usual with these government 
conspiracy theories, the amount of people who would have to know is enormous. 
It makes it unlikely that they could all keep it secret.




 t's a conspiracy theory. Save your protest energy for something that's 
actually happening." 
 HaHa !



 At least there's a reason...

 So are you going to explain it or not? 

 nablusoss1008 writes
 Sounds farfetched. What came from the UN-meeting, if you had bothered to 
listen, was that aluminum is thought to cool down the earths temperature by 
reflecting back sunlight. Hence the chemtrails, mostly from military and 
governmental aircrafts. That aluminum also is highly poisonous to humans since 
it enters the bloodstream through the drinking-water and hinders the root of 
trees to absorb water is considered a minor side-effect.:  

 I wouldn't say it was "discussed" more like one person droning on about an 
absurd conspiracy theory. Why would the US government be poisoning the air?

 Turq writes: It's Easter, do the Americans finally "Creep to the Cross" ?




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