John, here's Joe Biden's birth info:
Astrology: Joseph Biden, birth date 20 November 1942, born in Scranton, 
horoscope and Astrodatabank biography
   Astrology: Joseph Biden, birth date 20 November 1942, bo...
Astrology data, biography and horoscope chart of: Joseph Biden born on 20 
November 1942 Scranton, Pennsylvania  
View on Preview by Yahoo  

On Monday, April 28, 2014 2:31 PM, "" <> wrote:

Since we live in this country, we'd to accept that the president is the leader 
and the commander-in-chief, as stated in the USA constiturion.  I don't know if 
Sanders and Warren are interested in running for president.  They may be 
waiting to see who the actual candidates are before making a decision.  

As of now, it appears that Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton are the only credible 
candidates that the Democrats have.  But due to her chart, I'd advise Hillary 
not to run as mentioned earlier on this thread.

Come to think of it, I should research Biden's birth chart too.  Does anyone 
here have his birth information?

---In, <noozguru@...> wrote :

Do Presidents make any difference? 
They're mainly just car salesmen for the same corporate elite. 
How about a Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren ticket?  That
might actually sell well to the millennials who you have to

On 04/27/2014 07:10 PM, jr_esq@... wrote:
>According to Hillary's jyotish chart, she will be running
a weak period of the Sun starting in  2015.  It would be
better for her to save her time and effort rather than run
for the presidency. 
>I haven't seen Elizabeth Warren's chart.  Does anyone
know of her birth data?
>---In, <punditster@...> wrote :
>On 4/27/2014 4:50 PM, jr_esq@... wrote:
>>> She appears to be saying,"Vote for me in
2016". What do you think?
Let's see, the Dems have Hillary Clinton and Joe
>The Repugs have Sarah Palin, Paul Ryan, Chirs
Christie, Ted Cruz, Marco 
>Rubio, Bobby Jindal, Nikki Haley, Rick Perry and Rand
>Oh, I forgot: The Dems have Elizabeth Warren.
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