I've pointed out many a time that the way TM is taught is NOT UNIQUE. The method predates TM.

On 04/30/2014 01:18 PM, lengli...@cox.net wrote:

Perhaps you are correct, but what if it turns out that Maharishi was right afterall, and the exact manner in which TM is taught is important?


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <noozguru@...> wrote :

On 04/30/2014 02:00 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:

    *From:* salyavin808 <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
    *To:* FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
    *Sent:* Wednesday, April 30, 2014 10:46 AM
    *Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] New York TM teaching is maxed out

    It's most likely true that the TMO have a lot of demand at the
    moment, they have a great PR team and loads of celebrities saying
    they do it and like it. Everyone likes celeb's, look at what the
    Beatles did for the TMO, now they've got Russell Brand, how can
    they fail!

    On the other hand, why should we or anyone else *believe* these
    stories about the numbers of people learning TM? It's NOT as if
    they have a track record for telling the truth.

What I was thinking too. What if there are only 3 TM teachers in NYC? Teaching people beej mantras doesn't take much. Other organizations teach meditation at far less a price and it probably didn't cost the teacher $16K to learn. At best maybe $5K and at that they learn far more than a TM teacher learns and can give more powerful techniques. "Seven Steps" is a child of mid 20th century. You don't need that nowadays. A weekend session would suffice, which is what other organizations often do.

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