---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <punditster@...> wrote :

 On 5/1/2014 7:48 PM, Michael Jackson wrote:

 Only to a Marshy/Benjy Creme sycophant like you Nabster - Curtis comes across 
as pretty rational and balanced to people not wearing a 
My-Guru-Makes-Me-Special blinders. >
 What you need to realize is that Curtis and Barry sold the names of the Hindu 
gods for money and THEN they did a 180 after twenty years -  so why would 
anything they say now be taken as rational? 

C: I've done 180 on beliefs I held yesterday Richard. Haven't you? Your 
standard for judging rationality from the perspective of the past is seriously 
flawed. But on the other hand I don't ever expect anyone to assume anything I 
say is anything, that is up to you to decide its value today. Not from the 
perspective of ideas I once held and then discarded. When Lincoln was accused 
of flip flopping on a POV he said "I do not think much of a man who is not 
wiser today than he was yesterday."
 R:According to Sam Harris, if a person declares a belief in something like 
human levitation, this alone should immediately make their every statement 
suspect in the eyes of anyone they are dialoging with - because asserting a 
similarly non-evidentiary point on a religious doctrine ought to be met with 
similar disrespect. 

C: I guess it is precisely the evidentiary nature of the experience you are 
referring to that is the relevant issue isn't it?
 R: Which is not to say they aren't nice people and talented, but even common 
sense would dictate that they be questioned closely concerning their own 
beliefs. Which is not to say that you aren't a nice person and talented, but 
you are acting like a  True Believer yourself, if for no other reason than you 
are practicing a Chinese Kung Fu religion for two years and sucking up to 
Curtis and Barry now. Go figure.

C: I didn't get that last part but I would be the first to advocate being 
highly skeptical of anything I write here and use your own proof system and 
bullshit detector. i certainly try to run the same thing on myself and others 
here but am as subject to human folly and personal bias as anyone. That means 
anyone. We do our best and still get it wrong anyway. I am happy to approach 
being less obviously wrong about what I believe. That seems like enough to bite 
off for me.

Are you doing any better?


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