--In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <LEnglish5@...> wrote :

 Hast thou never heard of Daisy Cutters and other super-conventional weapons? 

 There's no need to advocate our going nuclear against any small country, ever.

C: So substitute daisy cutters for nuclear bombs and his actual point remains 
the same. He wrote this after 9-11 when he saw the US start two wars and there 
was talk of bombing Iran in the White House already. His book was a cautionary 
tale about what factor religious beliefs added to the problem. It was not 
advocating war, it was trying to prevent one.

There may be all sorts of legitimate reasons to disagree with Harris, but at 
least get his argument right before you start the name calling routine.




---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <punditster@...> wrote :

 On 5/2/2014 9:22 PM, curtisdeltablues@... mailto:curtisdeltablues@... wrote:
 > Harris advocates a first strike against Iran?
 A first nuclear strike against Iran may be the only option considering 
 the goal of Sunni Islam is the annihilation of the Western world. The 
 enemy is the closed society that preaches violence and death against 
 everyone that does not believe in Allah. Harris pulls no punches - he is 
 a pragmatist.
 > That's not controversialy, that's insane.
 So, in order to avoid the danger that lies ahead - vast human atrocities 
 - maybe we should consider the nuclear option. According to Harris, this 
 may be the only option available to us, "given what Islamists believe in 
 the event of an Islamist regime such as Iran acquiring nuclear weapons 
 Work cited:
 'The End of Faith: Religion, Terror, and the Future of Reason'
 by Sam Harris
 W. W. Norton, 2004
 p. 129
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