On 05/04/2014 10:41 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

On 5/4/2014 11:44 AM, Bhairitu wrote:
Syria isn't bombing you, Richard, but Monsanto *is. *So check your math.
Syria bombing schools and killing children is more important to me that Monsanto selling GMOs in Russia. That's what I figure.

Who told you that Syrian government is bombing schools and killing children? The Mainstream Media? LOL! You should know better than to trust them. I've also heard the rebels are CIA backed which wouldn't surprise me since the CIA has been in business ever since it's inception to destabilize countries to profit American business interests.

The food you eat and water you drink has glyphosates in it thanks to Monsanto. Other countries are running the GMO companies out because they don't want the US bombing them because Monsanto didn't get their seed fees.

*On 05/04/2014 09:43 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

On 5/4/2014 11:11 AM, Bhairitu wrote:
The US is unwise because companies like Monsanto have so many legislators in their pocket. They fool the people into believing that food prices are going to skyrocket just because of a little labeling on a package of food. The evil is amongst us and it is those who value profit over everything else including human life.
The government of Syria drops barrel bombs on schools killing hundreds of students, but your enemy is Monsanto? Go figure.


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