On 5/4/2014 9:21 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
> If you a stupid enough or insane enough to believe that the banning of 
> GMO's is proof of the ME
Non sequitur. It does not follow that banning GMO's is proof of the ME, 
or that not banning GMO's is stupid or insane.

> when Putin is invading another country and requiring Jews to register 
> as Jews 
Apparently Putin himself has not invaded another country and is not 
requiring Jews to register. You are probably thinking of the separatists 
in Eastern Ukraine.

> then you need to go check into your local state mental hospital.
You seem to be confused - it is the U.S. that invaded another country. 
Maybe you should read a history book or at least get a newspaper. 
Checking into a mental hospital might be a good idea too. Or, at least 
get a cult exit counselor to talk to you. You've got John Knapp's 
number, right?

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