---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

 Thanks pal, my spiritual practice at this time consist of encouraging folks 
who are doing TM and TMSP to immediately cease and desist and stop raght naow! 
Also I encourage those who are thinking of starting TM not to, and encouraging 
those who are thinking of going to MUM to also not to. 
 So far I have gotten one prospective MUM student to change his mind, and one 
meditator who had been regular for more than 40 years to cease and desist - he 
now does Christian prayer each morning and evening instead of that old Hindu 
devotional practice that people claim is the secular practice of TM. So not so 
much volume yet, but each experience is a mighty triumph and feels so so good. 
 So thanks for the idea but I am very fine. You should stop doing TMSP and just 
hang out on the farm in nature more and join me in getting people to quit TM 
and TMSP - its a mighty fine spiritual practice! I am also making plans as to 
how I am gonna torpedo any TM'ers stupid enough to attempt to get that Hindu 
devotional practice started in any schools in South Carolina. Yeeee Haaaaaa! 

 Easy MJ, you don't want to send Buck into a apoplectic fit.

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