Maybe so, but that wasn't my point and has nothing to do with my point. 



 The point is, these fanatics are also lunatics. 
Most of these god-men are also mad-men.

--- <authfriend@...> wrote :

 Of course, as far as Barry is concerned, all those who don't agree with him 
that human beings are insignificant, have been and always will be fanatics whom 
history will remember as "tyrants and killers." 

 From: Share Long <sharelong60@...>

   hey Steve and turq, this just came to me: we can think that we're not a big 
influence in the universe. But act as if we are a beneficial influence (-:

You can act as if you are a banana for all I care. But that doesn't make you 
one. :-)

Historically, those humans throughout history who have most vocally called 
themselves "spiritual" or "religious" have also been the ones who perpetrated 
most of the wars and instances of genocide -- from the Crusades to the 
Inquisition to modern Jihads. It seems to me that it Really Doesn't Matter how 
they thought of themselves and the influence they believed they had on the 
world was -- the only thing that matters is what actually happened. I somehow 
don't think that the heretic being burned at the stake by someone whose face is 
the very picture of blissful religious fervor is gonna feel quite the same way 
that the fanatic does.

But in the end it all comes down to preference, as far as I can tell. There are 
humans who seem to feel better about themselves based on feelings they have 
about their supposed importance, and there are those who feel better about 
themselves when keeping in mind their essential unimportance. I prefer not to 
hang with the former. History has a tendency to remember them as tyrants and 
killers, not as "beneficial." 
 List of major religious wars
 Lowest estimate Highest estimate Event Location Religions involved 3,000,000 
11,500,000 Thirty 
Years' War Holy Roman Empire Protestants and Catholics 
2,000,000 4,000,000 
French Wars of Religion 
France Protestants and Catholics 1,000,000 
3,000,000 Nigerian 
Civil War Nigeria Islam and Christian 1,000,000 2,000,000 Second 
Sudanese Civil War Sudan Islam and Christian 1,000,000 3,000,000 Crusades Holy Land, Europe Islam and Christian 
130,000 250,000 
Lebanese Civil War Lebanon Sunni, Shiite and Christian

On Tuesday, May 6, 2014 6:25 AM, "steve.sundur@..." <steve.sundur@...> wrote:
   The other day, on the radio, they had a piece about "something you changed 
your mind about".  And they interviewed a guy, I forget who he was, who said he 
changed his mind about whether we, as humans, are really as insignificant in 
the cosmic scheme of things as is sometimes said to be the case.

 It just happened to be something I had been thinking about as well.

 Maybe we're not.

 His point was that, in at least our little corner of the universe, immense as 
it is, we can seem to raise anyone else.

 Anyway, it doesn't mean it needs to translate into some egotistical notion 
about our importance.  It's just an observation.

 Pretty ugly graphic, I'd have to say though.

--- <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

 For those who feel the need to post every so often about how important TMers 
are, or how important the butt-bouncers of Fairfield are, or even how important 
to the universe human beings on planet Earth are, here's a graphic to put 
things into somewhat more accurate perspective. It's a visualization of every 
human being on the planet -- all 7.2 billion of us -- piled up in the Grand 
Canyon. The video below the photo explains things -- literally -- a bit more...



 How Many Things Are There?
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