He very well might. But if you've noticed, he's not the only person telling 
others what they can post and what they can't and trying to intimidate them, is 
he? The person berating him in this post is doing the same thing, and has done 
it more than any other person on this forum. 

 From: Mike Dixon <mdixon.6...@yahoo.com>
To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com" <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> 
Sent: Tuesday, May 6, 2014 8:12 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Raising Net Neutrality from the Dead

Sounds like Buck might condone censorship of some kind.

On Tuesday, May 6, 2014 10:55 AM, "authfri...@yahoo.com" <authfri...@yahoo.com> 
GET OFF IT, BUCK. You know who raunchy is; you know it isn't "spam"; and you 
know we're free to post anything here that others may find of interest, and 
that most certainly includes net neutrality  Stop trying to intimidate would-be 
posters who don't know any better into thinking they can only post "spiritual" 

Is this drive-by Spam?  What exactly does this have to do with the Spiritual 
Regeneration and FairfieldLife?

raunchydog@...> wrote :

Email to Tom.Wheeler@... supporting net neutrality by Sandy Dockendorff:
sent an email to the FCC chairman expressing my concern about losing net
neutrality.   I have to give him kudos for responding - though I am not
naive enough to think he sent a personal response... or that he had
anything to do with sending the response.  I AM concerned that this
means that there are very few people actually contacting the FCC about this 

"There is very little that is more sacred to a robust democratic
society than the free exchange of ideas and information. In the US
today, our broadcast and print news
media is owned by a mere handful of people. This, in and of itself, is
wrong. Please do not compound that error by giving another handful of
people the means by which to stifle communications and creativity
through control of the internet.

Strong voices for good are not
always well funded and those who need to hear words of encouragement
and knowledge most are seldom those with the means to pay to find them.
Public schools and libraries are underfunded in much of the country and
these are the access points for many people who do not have any other
means to access the internet. Putting content behind corporate pay-walls
will further erode the ability of these institutions to meet the needs
of those people.

In rural areas where we continue to fight to
provide even the most basic access to the internet, allowing corporate
entities to provide faster access to those who can pay more means many
of those who cannot pay more simply cannot access content at all.

This is not a free market issue. Further, the FCC is not supposed to be
an advocate for corporate entities, but for the people of our country.
There is nothing good to be gained by taking this action. It will not
increase jobs, it will not increase access to information so people
might create their own jobs, it will not promote economic growth. All it
will do is decrease access to internet content for a great deal of our
population, decrease competition, siphon more money from the poorer to
the richer, and one more foundation of our democratic society will have
been demolished."

"How to bring net neutrality back from the dead" by Cannonfire:
Contact the Commissioners via E-mail
Chairman Tom Wheeler: Tom.Wheeler@...
Commissioner Mignon Clyburn: Mignon.Clyburn@...
Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel: Jessica.Rosenworcel@...
Commissioner Ajit Pai: Ajit.Pai@...
Commissioner Michael O’Rielly: Mike.O’Rielly@...
To call and contact commissioner’s offices, call 1-888-225-5322.
In addition, call your elected representatives. Tell them if net
neutrality is ended, you will hold them accountable by withholding your
vote. Both parties hope to control the senate after the mid-term
elections, so you have more power than usual to let them know they are
losing your vote if they fail to take action to stop the FCC proposal.
The number for Congress is 202-224-3121.
There's also a petition. 

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