Someone sent me this, also from private notes but at a different occasion: In the beginning days of transcendence you will start to experience Shiva. When you have experienced all the aspects of Shiva you will begin to experience Vishnu. When you have experienced all the aspects of Vishnu you will begin to experience the Divine Mother, and that has no end.
---In, <fleetwood_macncheese@...> wrote : Thanks for that! ---In, <> wrote : First you experience Shiva for some time, then Vishnu and when you start to experience the Devi it has no end. - Maharishi, from private notes ---In, <fleetwood_macncheese@...> wrote : If you want to diss your imaginary God, it is helpful to keep in mind that She, is, in fact, female, and always will be. ---In, <turquoiseb@...> wrote : The guy has a point. And he also has a point that God -- if The Bible can be seen as an accurate record of His works -- has killed off far more of His creations (human beings) than the human beings ever did. Based on the "cast" of The Bible, that is. God just *rocks* at genocide, even according to His holy Word. :-) From: Duveyoung <> To: Sent: Friday, May 9, 2014 6:20 PM Subject: [FairfieldLife] For the anti-abortionists here -- choke on this. Is The Bible Pro-Life? Is The Bible Pro-Life? Cenk Uygur ( host of The Young Turks reads directly from The Bible in order to answer the question of whether or not G... View on Preview by Yahoo