
 My comments are shown in red letters below:

---In, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

 From: "curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 ---In, <jr_esq@...> wrote :


 It sounds like you have not transcended thoughts at all.

C: And what could you possibly basing that on? Just because I have not come to 
the conclusions you have about the experience? Do you really think that in my 
15 years of practice with 4 solid years of rounding including 8 hour a day 
sessions at sidhaland I might not have experienced what Maharishi was going for 
with his techniques? The very first stage of his magical mystery tour?

J:   As such, you have not experienced Being.  It appears that you still have a 
doubt in your mind, which is a thought in itself.  Or, if it isn't doubt, it's 
the idea of denial of experiencing Being, which is a thought in itself.

C: You do know we are having this conversation outside the meditaiton itself 
right? It would be like me claiming that you had never transcended because you 
are laying this trip on me, so that is a thought and therefor you never 


 I get it. It is disturbing for you to consider that someone might have had the 
predicted experiences from Maharishi's programs and conclude something 
different than you about what it all means. 

I'm staying out of this, because it's by far the lamest, dumbfuck post ever 
made to FFL, and lowers my already-low opinion of John and his thinking 

 JR:  I'm glad you're staying out of the discussion since you consider yourself 
to be not an atheist, but a non-theist.  This may be surprising to you.  But I 
do understand the logic behind your thinking in this regard.


 But if I were to venture a guess at the reason behind his ill-disguised hatred 
of atheists and need to consign them in his mind to a lower class -- one SO low 
they can't even transcend -- the thing that has his panties in a twist is my 
post the other day reminding folks that at least two of the self-avowed 
non-theists on this forum have had strong enlightenment experiences lasting for 
weeks, months, and possibly years. My guess is that's what got his panties 
twisted, because after all this time believing in God and all this time 
practicing TM, he's never had a CC experience that lasted more than a second or 
so, and that only in meditation, with eyes closed. 

 JR:  It may be surprising to you, but I really don't read all of your posts 
since I already know what you're going to say which you've repeated countless 
of times in this forum.

 I'm glad that you mentioned that there are two non-theists in this forum who 
have had enlightenment experiences.  I only know of you as one.  Who is the 
other one?  Nonetheless, if you are saying you've had enlightenment 
experiences, I would highly question your assertions.  It's my guess that 
you've experienced  Barry-being and not Being.

 Unlike you, I don't pretend to say to everyone that I've reached cosmic 
consciousness.   And yes, I have not seen anyone levitate, unlike you of course.

In other words, my guess at what's motivating this topic is jealousy. 

 No, I'm not jealous of anyone's experiences here.  I'm just pointing out the 
contradictory statements being mentioned by some individuals, including you, 
when compared to MMY's definition of "transcending" and "Being", as shown in 
SBAL and his comments on the Bhagavad Gita.

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