You'll wait forever, given that Lawson never said he believed it. The rest of 
us will just laugh at you and go on about our business (so you can strike the 
"we" and just use "I"). 


Just as an additional point, haven't you seen the reports that many of these 
statements about immortality were spoken by a guy on videotapes that were 
filmed in the last few years of his life as he was lying prone on his bed, 
using a special (and rather deceptive) apparatus that made it appear as if he 
was sitting up. If you actually believe what he was purported to say about his 
ability to levitate, why couldn't he have just levitated over to the lecture 
hall and given these talks in person, and while actually sitting up? For that 
matter, if you believe that he was actually able to levitate and that there is 
some relationship between this and immortality, why did he die? We'll wait...  

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