lo t-owner

Man Fails to Fly, Sues Camelot Owner

Fourth in a Five-Part Series


Associate Editor


Editor¹s Note: This is the fourth of a five-part series investigating the
demise and possible future of the Camelot Hotel. Once one of the most
popular gathering places in Tulsa¹s history, and the host one time to
President Richard Nixon, the building has become an eyesore and health

On August 29, 2002, the Washington Post reported that The Global Country of
World Peace issued bonds which, according to information provided by
Maharishi, the owner of the Camelot in Tulsa, will pay 6 to 7 percent. He
has enthusiastically encouraged investors to ³Create world peace ­ and make

In addition to founding his own country and developing its own currency, the
Maharishi empire has been active and fairly successful in reaching out to
our nation¹s schools. In a November 13, 2004 article, AP writer Patrick
Condon writes that officials from The Maharishi School of the Age of
Enlightenment, a 300 student, private K-12 academy located in Fairfield,
Iowa, have reported ³all their children are above average.² The secret, they
claim, is Transcendental Meditation. Advocates for TM are enthusiastic about
spreading TM¹s success to other schools and have appeared at public schools
in New York, California, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Kentucky and other places.

University of South Carolina sociologist Barry Markovsky, who researches
social networks, has referred to TM as a ³stealth religion² and questioned
the benefits of exposing students to it. Maharishi adherents emphasize that
the movement is not a religion. They are quoted in a Kansas City Star
September 27, 1999 article on this subject: ³It is a mental and spiritual
exercise that allows the human mind to come closer to its full potential.²

The TM programs advocate, Bob Roth, spokesman for the Consciousness-Based
Education Association is quoted in Condon¹s article as saying, ³You have 10
million kids on antidepressants, one in five black kids with hypertension
and America not leading the world in test scores. Transcendental Meditation
is not just a way to reduce stress, it¹s a way to prepare a student to learn
and do well.² Despite questions that have been raised about Maharishi
schools¹ accreditation status, school officials have pointed out that their
students have scored in the 99th percentile on standardized tests for the
last 10 years, 95% of their students go on to college and that they graduate
10 times the national average of National Merit Scholars.

The TM program for students has already been adapted into the curriculum at
public schools in Detroit and Washington. George Rutherford, principal of
the Fletcher-Johnson Learning Center in Washington and TM practitioner
himself introduced TM into his school in 1994 and informed Condon that,
thanks to TM, ³Johnson has become a safe haven.² Public charter school
Nataki Taliba Schoolhouse in Detroit teaches its students TM and the cost is
covered by private grants and corporate donations from companies such as
Daimler-Chrysler and General Motors. The private funding is helpful because
it costs an average of $625 per student per year to bring TM into the

Despite the educational successes claimed by officials at Maharishi
educational institutions, concerns have been raised by some about issues of
violence and drug abuse. The reported on March 4, 2004 that
Maharishi University of Management (MUM) student Shuvender Sim, 24, of
Lancaster PA, was charged with first-degree murder and assault with intent
to commit serious injury after the stabbing death of fellow classmate Levi
Butler, 19, of LaQuinta Calif. The attack occurred in front of dozens of
students in the campus dining hall. Sim was also charged with a stabbing
attack that occurred earlier in the day when he allegedly stabbed a
classmate in the cheek with a ballpoint pen during a class called Teaching
for Enlightenment. School officials intervened after this incident and said
they had ³handled the problem² and reminded officials the MUM was a place of
peace and enlightenment. No one could determine what led to the assaults.
Sim was arrested and held on a $1 million dollar bond.

According to the report, Sim, a diagnosed schizophrenic, had been off his
medication for months when he stabbed the two students. According to a June
8, 2005 report in the Des Moines Register, ³Prosecutors, and defense
attorneys for Sim say that he should be found not guilty of first degree
murder because he was insane at the time of the incident.²

The confiscation of drug paraphernalia at MUM in April 2004 raised more
eyebrows among officials. Officers were called to the University when a
campus security guard found an ³indoor marijuana growing operation² in a
student¹s room.

The equipment included grow lights, fans, tubing, dirt, planting pot and
seeds. 195.5 grams of marijuana were also seized. The student, Robert Paul
Anibal, 52, was arrested and charged with manufacturing marijuana within
1,000 feet of an elementary school; possession of marijuana with intent to
deliver within 1,000 feet of an elementary school; failure to affix a drug
tax stamp; and possession of drug paraphernalia.

Over the years, Maharishi¹s movement has been plagued by other legal
problems. In a 1987 case a U.S. District court in Washington D.C. ordered
two TM organizations to pay $137,890 to Robert Kropinski. Kropinski charged
that the organizations falsely promised that he would learn to fly. He
contended that all he learned was to ³hop with the legs folded in the lotus
position.² Kropinski was not awarded the $9 million he sought in punitive
damages for psychological and emotional devastation.

The Dutch news service NOS Teletekst reported on February 15, 2003 that the
FND labor union filed a lawsuit against the ³spiritual movement² of
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. The suit, brought by three ex-employees from India,
claimed that they were owed 100,000 gilders ($55,410.85) for work they had
done for three years for the TM movement. They alleged that they worked
seven days a week, w ere never given vacation, and hardly any salary.

Some ex-TMs have been particularly outspoken about psychological and
emotional abuse, brainwashing and manipulation that they were exposed to
while members of the TM movement. There have also been allegations reported
by former TM members of psychological, emotional and sexual abuse of

Despite the critical attention and lawsuits, TM followers and citizens of
The Global Country of World Peace are a dedicated, serious and very active
group.. Even though Maharishi was quoted in a 2002 Chicago Sun-Times article
as saying, ³I have decided to let the governments do manmade law, but I have
knowledge of natural law, God-made law.² Maharishi and his TM movement are
serious about achieving his plan for world peace.

Anyone interested in keeping up to date with the developments of The Global
Country of World Peace and the furtherance of its agenda can tune in to a
press conference every Thursday from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. India time, 11:30
a.m. in Europe and 6:30 p.m. in Japan. The weekly press conference is held
live over the Maharishi Channel and via Internet at the same time, with the
opportunity to ask questions from Maharishi via telephone or instant
messaging. The Global Country of World Peace website indicates that ³another
press conference will be held at 11 a.m. East Coast Time every Wednesday, as
well.² (10 a.m. for interested Tulsans.)

According to the information taken directly from,
³Maharishi will provide the highlights of Vedic administration for bringing
problem-free prevention-oriented administration in every country, leading to
world peace.

Participating in this one hour weekly conference will be the ³most noted
Physicist of the world,² Dr. John Hagelin, Minister of Science and
Technology of the Global Country of World Peace, and Dr. Bevan Morris,
Minister of Enligh tenment, ³most famous for his comments on the world

Dr. Benjamin Feldman, Finance Minister of The Global Country of World Peace,
a new star in the world economy, will also participate in this conference
and, according to the Web site, ³will present the program to bring a new
world order of affluence and peace, creating a balanced world economy,
taking the world economy out of the mouth of the dragon‹capitalism, which is
famous for causing for the wealthy the heart palpitations of an unstable
economy, while squeezing the life of the poor.²

Additionally, in this global press conference the press will ³listen to the
interesting other side of the destructive angle projected by America,
England, Germany and all the war monger nations of the world.²

Dismissing the negative publicity and what his organizations have referred
to as ³unsubstantiated claims² made by those who oppose the TM movement,
Maharishi and his six million strong followers, according to, ³remain committed to establishing global world peace
by unifying all nations in happiness, prosperity, invincibility, and perfect
health, while supporting the rich diversity of our world family.²

Camelot Owner Hopes for ŒPeace Palace¹

Editor¹s Note: This is the third of a multi-part series investigating the
demise and possible future of the Camelot Hotel. Once one of the most
popular gathering places in Tulsa¹s history, and the host one time to
President Richard Nixon, the building has become an eyesore and health

The present owner of what was the Camelot Hotel is Maharishi Ayur-ved
University, a school for teaching transcendental meditation and the teaching
of the founder of TM, the Maharishi Mahesh Yoga.

The building or parts of the property may be turned into a ³Peace Palace,²
described on, as ³a beautiful modular building
that is covered in white marble. The Peace Palace will include exhibition
and lecture halls, offices, residential rooms and a dining hall.² According
to a TM practitioner who recently relocated to Tulsa, ³We will be building a
Peace Palace on part of the land where The Camelot is located.²

Until the Peace Palace comes to fruition, a Maharishi Enlightenment Center
will be opened at 5800 S. Lewis Ave., according to a Maharishi Ayur-ved
spokeperson. The Center will teach TM, sell Maharishi Ayurveda herbal
products (also available at and have a Maharishi Spa for
Ladies, whose sister facility can be seen on

³Peace Palaces,² similar to the one planned for Tulsa, are an integral part
of the Maharishi¹s global philosophy.

According to the Peace Palace website, ³Each Peace Palace will offer to
everyone the knowledge and practical programs for peace and enlightenment,
for a healthy, happy, more creative, more fulfilling and successful life
through the Transcendental Meditation program. Its benefits in the fields of
education, health, social behavior and world peace have been amply
documented during the past half-century all over the world.²

The five to ten most prominent families of every city are invited to ³join
us in becoming founders of the Peace Palace.² Peace Palace construction in
the USA is being undertaken by The Global Country of World Peace, a
tax-exempt 501©(3) organization.

The Global Country of World Peace is a ³virtual² country (not physical) and
was established on October 7, 2000. It was created by Maharishi to
³establish global world peace by unifying all nations in happiness,
prosperity, invincibility, and perfect health, while supporting the rich
diversity of our world family.² Its stated mission is to establish Heaven on
Earth by raising the quality of life of every individual to complete
fulfillment and affluence in enlightenment. It will establish a Global
Administration through Natural Law by enlivening the nourishing evolutionary
power of Natural Law in the life of every individual and in the collective
consciousness of the whole world.

The Capital of The Global Country of World Peace is Maharishi Vedic City,
IA, known simply as ³Vedic City.²

Maharishi¹s goal is to replace what he refers to as ³damn democracy² with
the peace inspiring politics of The Global Country of World Peace, according
to their literature.

His thoughts concerning this issue were published in a TM Bulletin. His
opinions are clear from some of his quotes: ³Damn the democracy, which is
based on the popular will, vote. It is not based on knowledge, it is based
on number.

³The man-made constitution, that system of self rule called democracy. They
say the Minister is in the cabinet, he has no time to meditate. What does he
do in the cabinet? He does opposition.² ³If your religion tells you to be a
devil, then I would advise you to be a devil, but enjoy life, enjoy life.
All those countries who are earning their livelihood by selling arms,
Natural Law will take care of all that. Time is different now, they will not
be able to save themselves from the fury about the sin they are committing.²

The same TM Bulletin offers Maharishi¹s solution to society¹s problems, ³So,
this is what we¹ll do, it is the rise of unifying principles through
education, this will motivate the creation of leaders in each country, of an
ideal character and quality, not like the monsters or dragons of destruction
who dominate in nations today.²

For those who aren¹t familiar with Maharishi, offers a glimpse of
his global achievements during the last 40 years. To list a few:

1957- founded the worldwide Spiritual Regeneration Movement.

1972- inaugurated his World Plan and created a new science, the Science of

1975- discovered the Constitution of the Universe.

1978- created the World Peace Project, sending teams of Yogic Flyers to the
most troubled areas of the world, to calm the violence through TM.

1984- sent the first group of 7,000 Yogic Flyers to Fairfield, Iowa.
(According to the website, scientific research on this assembly validated
Maharishi¹s prediction that when the square root of one percent of the
world¹s population practices the TM-Sidhi program, including Yogic Flying,
together in one place, positive trends increase and negative tendencies
decrease throughout the whole world.)

1988- formulated his Master Plan to Create Heaven on Earth for the
reconstruction of the whole world, inner and outer.

1994- introduced programs for prevention in the fields of health and
security creating a Prevention Wing of Yogic Flyers in the military of every

1998- The Maharishi Open University was founded offering Total Knowledge of
Natural Law to everyone accessible via a network of eight satellites
broadcasting to every country on earth.

2003- developed The Global Country of World Peace currency, the ³raam.²

The ³raam² is currently used in The Netherlands, the base of Maharishi¹s
empire, and in Vedic City, Iowa. It comes in denominations of one, five and
10. The exchange rate is one raam to ten USD, and one raam to ten Euros.
More than 100 Dutch shops, some of them part of big department store chains,
in 30 villages and cities have accepted the notes. Shopkeepers can exchange
their raam notes at the Fortis Bank branch in Roermond. According to
information provided by The Dutch Central Bank, it is keeping a close eye on
the raam and allows the raam to be used as long as the notes are not used as
legal tender and it stays within a closed-off circuit of users.

Next Issue: A deeper look into the teachings and plans of the Maharishi
Mahesh Yoga.

Camelot Owners Responsible for National Pattern

Second in a Multi-Part Series

Editor¹s Note: This is the second in a multi-part series investigating the
demise and possible future of the Camelot Hotel. Once one of the most
popular gathering places in Tulsa¹s history, and the host one time to
President Richard Nixon, the building has become an eyesore and health

Many national and local groups held their meetings and conventions at the
Camelot Hotel in Tulsa from its founding in 1965 until the early 1990s. A
now-defunct local group called Okon hosted annual science fiction
conventions in Tulsa to raise money for charities. There were 15 Okon
conventions, running from 1977 through 1992.

In 1988, Okon moved its convention from another Tulsa hotel to the Camelot.

According to the Okon information page on, ³During the
convention at the rapidly decaying Camelot Hotel in 1992, several room air
conditioners exploded over the weekend, and many Œcongers¹ refused to swim
in the sickly-green swimming pool. Late Saturday night, someone set off a
smoke bomb in one of the video rooms. Nine Tulsa Fire Department fire trucks
responded to the alarm. The entire second floor was evacuated for several
hours, and one person was treated on the scene for smoke inhalation.
Immediately following closing ceremonies, lightning struck the roof of the
Camelot, which soon closed down for good.²

The Tulsa Green Country Rotary Club began holding its weekly meetings at the
Camelot in the mid-1980s, when the hotel was in decent condition. By the
early 1990s, things had changed dramatically. The air conditioning in the
building began to fail, as did the plumbing and food service. After a
terrible Rotary luncheon meeting, four of the officers of the club visited
the general manager of the hotel to complain about the poor quality food and
other issues. The general manager replied in a Southern Asian accent, ³I
wouldn¹t know about the food in this hotel. I refuse to eat it myself.² The
Rotary Club moved the next week to the Trade Winds Central.

At this point, the story of the Camelot takes an intriguing, interesting

The building, which was built by Ainslee Pauralt in 1965 and sold to Kinark
several years later, was sold by the second owners in 1991 to a company
called Lata Enterprises. Lata was foreclosed on, and the building changed
hands several times until 1995, when the deed was transferred to the current
owner, Maharishi Ayur-ved University, a school for teaching Transcendental
Meditation and the teachings of the founder of TM, the Maharishi Mahesh

TM leapt onto the world stage in 1968 when the Beatles met Maharishi Mahesh
Yogi in India. Their interest fueled the enthusiasm of many, including
celebrities such as Shirley Maclaine, Laura Dern, Heather Graham, director
David Lynch, as well as Mia Farrow, Donovan and the Rolling Stones, who
spent time at Maharishi¹s ashram in the late 1960s.

TM followers say that it brings the practitioner to a special state of
consciousness often characterized as ³enlightenment² or ³bliss.² The method
involves chanting a mantra, said to be unique and specially devised for the
practitioner. One can purchase his or her own mantra from the Maharishi TM
organization for several hundred dollars. There is much more to the TM story
that will be dealt with later.

For now, let¹s return to the issue at hand, the Camelot, which is not alone
in its devastation.

Tulsa is not the only city where the Maharishi¹s organization has purchased
a property and allowed it to sit for years, only to rot and decay. In a
November 2003 article in The Hartford Advocate, Chris Harris reports, ³In
1994, the bearded popularizer of TM¹s enigmatic and faceless Maharishi Vedic
Development Corporation purchased the Clarion Hotel building on Constitution
Plaza, and there, in full view of the bustle of I-91, the dilapidated
edifice has sat‹a vacant, untouched, neglected eyesore, and a billboard
advertising Hartford¹s urban ruin.²

Harris goes on to write, ³There were plans to convert the hotel into one of
his Maharishi Vedic Universities, where students would be schooled in the
ways of transcendental meditation. But again, no action, and now, in 2003,
the hotel lies in wait, its future uncertain.² According to Harris¹ article,
the Maharishi Vedic Development Corporation purchased the property for $1.5
million and in 1998, after years of decline, put it on the market for $14
million. As of 2003, it remained unsold, but was still on the market
although the realtor would not discuss the asking price with Harris. The
realtor did offer, though, that he had had several offers coming in from
around the world.

Then there¹s Dallas. Jeffrey Weiss, Dallas Morning News, reported in October
2002, that the Maharishi-owned ³old Hilton hotel at Mockingbird Lane and
North Central Expressway was going to be converted into a Œholistic living
and transcendental meditation center,¹ The hotel is still there but the only
trappings of TM are in the TM Center of Dallas on the fourth floor.²

Chicago is a bit more hopeful. David Roeder of the Chicago Sun Times,
reported in March, 2005 that ³there¹s a plan to breathe new life into the
landmark Blackstone Hotel at 636 S. Michigan.² In March, The Blackstone was
still owned by the Maharishi. According to Roeder, ³He tried to turn the
building into a condo property posher than the Gold Coast. Without the Gold
Coast location, he couldn¹t sell any units.² Negotiations were underway to
sell the property to Denver-based Sage Hospitality Group for $24 million.
Sage, however, was looking to the city for a substantial subsidy for the
project due to the need for a gut rehab which was estimated to cost $100
million. The broker declined to discuss the deal with Roeder.

In a recent conversation with Roeder, he disclosed that, although it has not
officially closed, Maharishi has a contract and the sale will most likely go
through. He did not know the actual selling price but did confirm that Sage
Development had received a subsidy from the city to redevelop the property,
believing it to be in the $20 million range.

Unfortunately, no such deal is in the offing yet for The Camelot. According
to David Humphreys, the realtor handling the property, ³We¹ve had some
interest but nothing concrete yet. It¹s still on the market, priced at $3
million.² The assessed market value is $1.25 million.

Whether The Camelot is sold soon or not, there are plans underway for the
property. Apparently the castle is going to be replaced by a Peace Palace.

Next Month: A look into the Mararishi¹s organization and the possible future
of the Camelot.

Once Grand Camelot Hotel Had a Quick Demise

First in a Multi-Part Series

Editor¹s Note: This is the first in a multi-part series investigating the
demise of the Camelot Hotel. Once one of the most popular gathering places
in Tulsa¹s history, and the host at one time to President Richard Nixon, the
building has become an eyesore and health menace. This series of articles
looks at the history of the building and its possible future.

During the Kennedy administration in the early 60s, ³Camelot Fever² swept
the nation. It settled in Tulsa in 1965 at 4956 South Peoria with the
construction of The Camelot Hotel. Originally called ³The Camelot Inn,² the
name was later changed to ³The Camelot Hotel,² though it was always
affectionately known simply as ³The Camelot.²

Back then, it seems an eight-story, 330-room building built in the form of a
pink castle, complete with turret, massive iron gates, moat, drawbridge and
a swimming pool shaped like the top of a medieval spear was the epitome of
luxury and class.

Ainsley Perault, a builder and promoter from San Francisco, who later moved
to Tulsa, built the pink castle and oversaw its early reign of glory.
Construction began in 1965 and took two years to complete. Prior to its
opening, it had a large sign that ran atop of the building that said
³Totally Electric.² But because of two electrical fires the sign was taken
down, before the doors, or rather entry gates, were opened for business. It
was sold in 1968 to the Tulsa-based Kinark Corporation for $68 million. At
the time it was the largest real estate transaction in the history of Tulsa.

The Camelot was known in its early years as Tulsa¹s hotspot­the ³place to
be.² It certainly was the place to be on Sundays after church. As Dean Sims,
a very active public relations practitioner at the time remembers it, ³The
Sunday brunch at the Camelot restaurant was quite an event and drew between
200 and 300 people regularly.² Those who could not make it to the Camelot
could watch the weekly television show, broadcast from the Camelot on a
cable access channel featuring Tulsa¹s local movers and shakers.

Sims reflects on the stream of famous guests whose presence graced the hotel
over the years, ³People today would be surprised to find out that President
Richard Nixon stayed at the Camelot when he came to Tulsa in 1971 to
dedicate the Kerr-McClellan navigation system. Lt. Governor George Nigh
wouldn¹t stay anywhere but the Camelot when he was in town and during the
National Governor¹s Convention held in Tulsa: Mike Wallace chose to stay
there. A high-ranking member of the British Parliament even stayed at the
Camelot when he visited Tulsa.² Apparently, the British gentleman was amused
by the contradictory Robin Hood and King Arthur exhibits in the hotel.

The Camelot also drew plenty of high profile local events such as high
school reunions and proms, civic club meetings and family reunions. It was
also a popular destination for honeymoons and wedding receptions.

Many children considered the Camelot to be a real treat with its front area
moat and drawbridge, and the swimming pool, which was centered in a
courtyard in the middle of the U-shaped complex, surrounded by the many
hotel rooms.

To many people, the Camelot is most remembered for the popular Red Lion
nightclub. It was the home of the ³in-crowd.² The lights were low and music
played. Everyone mingled, enjoyed cocktails and reveled in the scene.
Longtime Tulsa resident Tena Green remembers her days as a regular at the
popular bar. ³Young professionals, myself included, would often meet after
work for a drink at the bar.² She chuckles, ³I even had breakfast at the
Camelot restaurant every Saturday morning with some of the members of the
Tulsa Ski Club. It really was the place to be.² The phrase ³the place to be²
seems to reverberate the most in people¹s minds when they reminisce about
the once special hotel.

Those were the days. They¹re not now. Now, and for years, what was the
glorious Camelot Hotel has become a blight on the landscape of the fair city
of Tulsa.

According to Assistant Fire Marshall Ron Fegaly, ³A big concern with the
Camelot is securing the building. It¹s a fire hazard and unsecured. It¹s
dangerous. Transients are able to move in and occupy it. In the past they
have started small fires. This presents a serious danger not only to them
but also to our firefighters.² He adds, ³Several years ago we contacted the
owners and told them they would be required to secure the property. They¹ve
done this, but with out-of-town owners this always presents a concern.² The
current owners of the Camelot list a Kentucky address with the assessor¹s

A hurricane fence currently surrounds the property and the windows that
aren¹t boarded up are punctured by bullet holes. A police officer,
patrolling the outside of the building, said that at one time vagrants and
drug addicts hung out in the hotel, though he noted that now they do not, as
there is full-time security.

The Camelot was condemned in 1996, and many people think that the building
should be torn down. The building that was made nationally famous with its
showing in the movie ³Tex² has been deemed by the Tulsa City­County Health
Department as a fire and health hazard. The City filed liens against the
owners every year from 2000-2004 for cleanup and mowing. The owners paid all
outstanding fees in February 2005.

David Gurthet, Inspections Supervisor, Inspections Division, Development
Services, Tulsa Public Works Department, explains why the building has not
been torn down. ³The building has been condemned for habitation. City
engineers conducted a thorough investigation of the building and determined
that it is structurally sound. Although no one can occupy the building, it
cannot be torn down by the city because structurally speaking it is not
considered a hazard.

So, the Camelot remains standing as a sad monument to devastated real

A grotesque parody of its former glory. A tragic leftover of remembrance of
things past.

Better times. What happened to it? What brought it to its present
dilapidated, ruined state? In researching this article I have discovered
that, as Churchill would say, ³it is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an

Sometime during the mid-to-late 1970s the Camelot started to lose its regal
appeal. New world-class hotels were built in Tulsa, attracting a fickle and
interested public to more modern facilities. By the early 1980s, the oil
business had crashed, cutting into the disposable income of many people. The
once spectacular and lively social scene dwindled away. People became
disenchanted. The era of Tulsa¹s Camelot faded away.

The castle languished. The neglected interior, once considered sumptuous and
glamorous, turned shoddy. It became more difficult to rent rooms. The
swinging Red Lion bar and popular hotel restaurant had lost their appeal.
The television show was cancelled. Eventually, by the mid-1980s, the Camelot
was nothing more than a place for various groups to hold meetings and

Next Month: The Camelot has become a mysterious place, one possibly
controlled by what some call a worldwide cult. An investigation into what
may be the Camelot¹s future will be highlighted in the Mid-August GTR

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