On Oct 25, 2005, at 3:17 PM, TurquoiseB wrote:

  'Failure' -  Death causes Rebirth

I don't get it; death will always cause rebirth. Why is that a


When asked about reincarnation, Maharishi used to say, "I'm 

opposed to it." 

And, "Its for the ignorant."

Or for Bodhisattvas, who care more about other sentient

beings than they do about dwelling in eternal bliss, a

concept that seems to have escaped Maharishi completely.

Indeed. In western practice we call it "the City of the Pyramids". It was probably first noted by the Buddhist-tantric adept Aleister Crowley, but is also noted in Itzhak Bentov's notebooks.

As you leave dualistic vision and begin integrating non-dual Vision many people encounter a plane filled with what seems to be an endless plane of small pyramids. A city of pyramids. On closer inspection you see these are not "pyramids" at all but high adepts who were all on the verge of enlightenment. They look like pyramids because they are all locked in full lotus. Close examination will reveal their nervous systems are perfectly pure. They are channeling perfect bliss and choose to stay that way. They do not help others. Aeons will pass and they will remain that way.

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Maharishi university of management Maharishi mahesh yogi Ramana maharshi


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