While alive, everybody has experience, consciousness. So 'something' is making 
the content of experience visible. There is always a 'witness'. The mind's 
interpretation of what this so-called witness is changes with practice 
(whichever one or ones are being used). The 24/7 kind of inner witnessing is 
one of those stages of change that many experience. My experience is that it 
basically evaporated, almost like it became a mist and soaked into the world of 
outer experience as if the outer world was a sponge and just vanished, that is, 
the so-called witness becomes identical with all other experience, with 
thought, objects, and action. So one cannot say 'I' am witnessing. At this 
point witnessing has no centre, no location, it is no longer like a receiver of 
experience, like an homunculus, like a little man in your head watching stuff. 
Descriptions and models of consciousness completely break down at this point, 
they are of no use because it is not possible to formulate a model that 
includes everything; the only thing that makes it intelligible in some way is 
the experience itself.

 What is especially intriguing is the actual experience is no different from 
the way it was prior to starting spiritual life, nothing is changed. This is 
why some teachers say one is already enlightened. It is almost as if the 
spiritual path is an aberration you have to grow out of to gain fulfilment; you 
think it is going to somehow save you and make things better, but it is just 
part of the dream you are trying to wake up from. Except you were already awake 
from the beginning. So in this sense enlightenment really does not exist. The 
Zen phrase 'selling water by the river' is actually pretty much how the whole 
thing comes down. Models are just navigation points, and roughed out 
approximations. People's experiences as they grow have wide variations that 
never seem to fit that well into the models, except perhaps for a few. So 
evaluating others' experiences on the basis of their conformity to a particular 
model has a wide possibility of error.

 The goal is to get people to have this experience of totality, not to berate 
them for their lack of conformance to a model as one is interpreting it. The 
spiritual path reeks with smugness, and none of us are immune.

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